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Author Index
A Aaron, John Adams, Jim Alderson, Richard Alexander, Archibald Alexander, Eric J. Alexander, J.A. Alexander, J.W. Alleine, Joseph Allen, Lewis Anthony, Kitty Arthur, J. Philip Atherstone, Andrew B Baird, Henry Martyn Baker, William Bakker, Frans Bannerman, James Barnes, Peter Baxter, Richard Beeke, Joel Beeley, Ray Bennett, Arthur Bennett, Richard Benton, John Berghoef, Gerard Berkhof, Louis Bethune, George Binning, Hugh Blaikie, William Blair, William Blanchard, John Bolton, Samuel Bonar, Andrew Bonar, Horatius Boonstra, Juan Boston, Thomas Brainerd, David Brentnall, John M. Bridge, William Bridges, Charles Brooks, Thomas Brown, Alison Brown, Archibald G. Brown, Charles Brown, John Brown, Paul E. Brown, William Bruce, Jay Bruce, Robert Bucer, Martin Buchanan, James Bull, Josiah Bunyan, John Burns, Islay Burroughs, Jeremiah Byl, John C Calhoun, David Calvin, John Campbell, David Candlish, Robert Carrick, John Carson, Alexander Carson, John Case, Thomas Cerni, Ricardo Chalmers, Thomas Chantry, Walter J. Charles, Thomas Charnock, Stephen Cheeseman, John Chester, Tim Clarkson, David Colquhoun, John Cook, Faith Cook, W. John Crawford, T.J. Crooks, Rodger Cruse, Jonathan Landry Cunningham, William Cuyler, Theodore D Dabney, Robert Lewis Dallimore, Arnold D'Aubigné, J.H. Merle Davenant, John David McKay David P. Murray DeKoster, Lester deWitt, John R. Dickson, David Dodson, Rhett Donelly, Edward E Edgar, William Edwards, Jonathan Edwards, Rob Ellis, C. & N. Ellsworth, Roger Eifion Evans F Fairbairn, Patrick Fausset, A.R. Fawcett, Arthur Ferguson, Sinclair Fish, Henry C. Flavel, John Fraser, James Frawley, Rebecca Fuller, Andrew G Garretson, James M. Gay, David Goodwin, Thomas Green, William Henry Greenhill, William Grier, W.J. Gurnall, William Guthrie, William Gwyn-Thomas, John H Haldane, Alexander Haldane, Robert Hamilton, Ian Harding, Susan Harman, Allan Harrell, William H. Helm, Paul Hendriksen, William Henry, Matthew Hewison, J.K. Higgins, Douglas Hobson, Richard Hodge, A.A. Hodge, Charles Honeysett, Bernard Horn, H. J. Houghton, S.M. Howard, Donald Howie, John Hunt, Bruce Hurrion, John J Jackman, David Jacomb, Thomas James, John A. James, Sharon James Sievewright Jeffrey, Peter Jenkins, Roy Davey Johnson, Dennis Johnson, T. C. Johnson, Terry Johnston, Mark G. Jones, Hywel R. Jones, John Jones, Mark John W. Keddie K Kelly, Douglas Kingdon, David Knecht, Glen Knox, David Broughton Knox, John Krummacher, F.W. Kuiper, R.B. L Law, Henry Leahy, Frederick Leone, Sarah Leyshon, David Lindsay, T.M. Lloyd-Jones, Bethan Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn Loane, Marcus M MacDonald, Donald Machen, J. Gresham MacKinnon, David B. MacLeod, John Macnicol, D. C. Manton, Thomas Marshall, John Martin, A.N. Martin, Hugh Martin, Robert P. Master, Jonathan McDowell, W.J. M'Cheyne, Robert Murray McIlvaine, Charles McWilliams, David B. Media Gratiae Miller, Graham J. Miller, Samuel Milne, Douglas J.W. Mohler, Al Montgomery, Jeremiah Moore, Thomas Morgan, Edward Murray, Iain H. Murray, John Murray, John J. N Nelson, Warren Newton, George Newton, John Nisbet, Alexander North, Brownlow O Oliver, Robert Olyott, Stuart Owen, John P Palmer, Benjamin Morgan Palmer, Edwin H. Paton, John G. Paton, Margaret Paul D. Wolfe Paul Schlehlein Payne, Jon Peck, Thomas Perkins, William Philip, Robert Phillips, Richard D. Phillips, Thomas Philpot, J.H. Piggin, Stuart Pink, A.W. Piper, John Plumer, W. S. Pollitt, Herbert J. Poole, Matthew Porter, Ebenezer Potgieter, Pieter Power, P.B. Pratt, John H. (Editor) Prime, Derek Prime, Samuel Purves, Jock R Ramsey, James Randall, Andrew M. Randall, David J. Reed, R.C. Reisinger, Ernest Rendle-Short, John Robert H. Ireland Robert Macdonald Roberts, Linleigh J. Roberts, Maurice Robertson, O Palmer Rogers, Richard Ross, Charles Ross, Mark Roxborogh, John Rushing, Richard Rutherford, Samuel Ryle, J.C. S Schoolland, Marian Scott, Thomas Searle, David C. Seaton, Jack Shaw, Benjamin Shedd, W.G.T. Sibbes, Richard Smeaton, George Sprague, William B. Sproul, R. C. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Susannah Still, William Stonehouse, Ned B. Stuart, A. Moody Stuart, K. Moody Swanson, Andrew Swinnock, George T Tallach, Fraser Tallach, Isobel Tallach, John Tamminga, Doreen Taylor, Alec Taylor, Douglas Tenney, Helen Thomas, Derek Thomas, Geoffrey Thomas, I.D.E. Thomas, Owen Tracy, Joseph Traill, Robert Tyler, Bennet Tyndale, William V Van Dixhoorn, Emily Van Dixhoorn, Chad VanDoodewaard, Rebecca Various Venema, Cornelis P. Venn, Henry Venning, Ralph Vincent, Thomas Vos, Catherine Vos, Geerhardus W Walker, Jeremy Ward, Samuel Warfield, B.B. Watson, Thomas Watts, Isaac Webber, Daniel Webster, William Weeks, Noel Weir, John Wells, David Wells, Tom Westminster Divines White, Henry Whitefield, George Williams, Gary J. Williamson, G. I. Wilson, Geoffrey Wilson, Jeffrey E. Wingate, Ken Winslow, Octavius Wolfe, Paul D. Wray, Charles Wright, Iain Y Young, Andrew W. Young, E.J. Z Zorn, Ray O.
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