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168幸运飞行艇开奖查询结果 幸运飞行艇历史开奖结果及直播 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录 Description
幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播 168飞艇官网开奖结果记录直播 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 幸运飞行艇官网开奖查询 幸运飞行艇最新开奖记录 幸运飞行艇开奖历史查询 The following is taken from William Gurnall’s The Christian in Complete Armour, pages 119–121. There is a law in wrestling which must be observed. If a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully, 2 Timothy 2:5. He alludes to the Roman games, to which there were judges appointed […]
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See AllThe following is taken from William Gurnall’s The Christian in Complete Armour, pages 119–121. There is a law in wrestling which must be observed. If a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully, 2 Timothy 2:5. He alludes to the Roman games, to which there were judges appointed […]
ReadThe following excerpt is from George Newton’s exposition of John 17:24 in the volume George Newton on John 17. DOCTRINE: It is the will of Jesus Christ that all that are his own by the donation of the Father shall be in heaven where he is. There are two things in the doctrine which I […]
ReadHaving your children with you in worship can be hard. It can be hard for the parents, for the children, and for the rest of the congregation. The squirming, the shuffling of papers, the loud whispers, and the louder cries, all can make it challenging to have our children with us in corporate worship. But […]
ReadThe following excerpt is from D. C. Macnicol’s book, Master Robert Bruce: Minister in the Kirk of Edinburgh. THE public life of Master Robert Bruce in the city of Edinburgh was cast in troublous times. His ministry in the Church of St Giles had an influence which was quite unique, and the voice which found […]
ReadThe following is the text of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s address at the 1975 Puritan Conference, entitled ‘The Christian and the State in Revolutionary Times’: The French Revolution and After. This address appears in The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors. Our object in studying this subject of the Christian and the State in Revolutionary Times […]
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