Published: 1964

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price £5.75


The True Bounds of Christian Freedom is a clear, scriptural exposition of the place of the law in the life of the Christian. 224pp.

price £2.50


En el último gran avivamiento religioso que hubo en la Gran Bretaña, hace un poco más de cien años, no había figura que llamara más la atención que la de Brownlow North (1810-1875). Aunque su familia se distinguió por ser parlamentarios y líderes de la iglesia, North, vivió sin mayores preocupaciones como deportista, soldado y […]

price From: £4.80
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Practical and biblical ways to remedy the spiritual disease of a spirit of discontentment. Marked by sanity, clarity, aptness of illustration, and warmth of appeal to the heart. 232pp.


El Secreto De La Vida Cristiana

The Secret of the Christian Life

by J. C. Ryle

price £9.50


Book Description Su concepto de la vida cristiana respira un activismo netamente bíblico. Para Ryle, el verdadero cristiano no puede armonizarse con una noción estática de la fe, sino que, por lo contrario, la vida espiritual que se recibe con el nuevo nacimiento es como una fuerza impulsadora que pone a todas las facultades de […]

Christian In Complete Armour
price £6.00
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A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.



The Story of J.C. Philpot and William Tiptaft

by J. H. Philpot

price £2.00


A moving account of two brothers in Christ and their incredible relationship as they, together, left the Established Church of England in the 1830s. 208pp.


Human Nature In Its Fourfold State

of Primitive Integrity, Entire Depravity, Begun Recovery, and Consumate Happiness or Misery

by Thomas Boston

price £15.50
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The Ettrick minister expounds the biblical teaching on the four different ‘states’ of man’s relationship with God—innocence, sin, grace and glory. Boston’s classic work speaks to the spiritual needs of every reader. 512pp.

price £19.50
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The best thought-breeder in all our library’—Spurgeon. 1240pp.

price £11.00


Hodge constantly communicates the sense and overall argument of the passage. 320pp.

Showing all 9 results