Calhoun, David Archives - Banner of Truth UK Christian Publisher of Reformed & Puritan Books Mon, 01 Jul 2024 13:08:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calhoun, David Archives - Banner of Truth UK 32 32 A Sheep Remembers Fri, 09 Jul 2021 19:56:49 +0000 https:///uk/store/uncategorized/a-sheep-remembers-2/ Endorsements ‘You are holding the last book of a true shepherd who knew what it is to be one of Christ’s sheep. It is a rich, biblical, theological, experiential, devotional meditation on the Twenty-third Psalm, combined with a testimony to God’s faithfulness by a godly pastor and professor who is now at home with his […]

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‘You are holding the last book of a true shepherd who knew what it is to be one of Christ’s sheep. It is a rich, biblical, theological, experiential, devotional meditation on the Twenty-third Psalm, combined with a testimony to God’s faithfulness by a godly pastor and professor who is now at home with his Good Shepherd, having long lived in the valley of the shadow of death.’ — LIGON DUNCAN, in the preface

Book Description

The Twenty-third Psalm is probably the best known of all the chapters of the Bible and among the most memorable words ever written in any language. It is so familiar that it would be easy to think that we can learn nothing more from it. But through exposition intermingled with prayers and personal testimony, David Calhoun reminds us that this psalm has great depth, and that lifelong meditation on its words will help Christians to understand just what it is to be a sheep under the care of the ‘good Shepherd.’

Each of the ten chapters in A Sheep Remembers contains a version of the Twenty-third Psalm or a hymn that is based on the psalm, followed by commentary on the verse that is being considered; writings from shepherds that help us to understand sheep and their ways; prayers, quotations and stories that illustrate the theme; and in the last place, the author’s own personal testimony.

This is a striking and profound little volume that will give much spiritual help to readers at all stages in the Christian life.



Table of Contents Expand ↓

1.The LORD is my shepherd.7

Preface by J. Ligon Duncan III ix
Introduction 3
1. The LORD is my shepherd. 7
2. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. 23
3. He restores my soul. 35
4. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 43
5. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. 57
6. I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me. 69
7. What I learned in the valley. 81
8. You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 97
9. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. 111
10. And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. 123
Benediction 137
Addendum: Additional versions of Psalm 23 139
Bibliography 171

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Swift and Beautiful Tue, 27 Oct 2020 20:23:37 +0000 https:///uk/store/uncategorized/swift-and-beautiful-2/ Book Description In his Spiritual Unfolding of Bishop H. C. G. Moule, John Baird wrote, ‘No course of reading is more establishing than that of Christian biography — the battle story of those who in the conflict of earth have been great in the life of God.’ Swift and Beautiful tells the amazing stories of […]

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Book Description

In his Spiritual Unfolding of Bishop H. C. G. Moule, John Baird wrote, ‘No course of reading is more establishing than that of Christian biography — the battle story of those who in the conflict of earth have been great in the life of God.’ Swift and Beautiful tells the amazing stories of a dozen men and women who at great cost gave their lives to take the gospel of God’s grace to those who had not heard it. Some of these faithful missionaries are well-known, others almost forgotten, but all are ‘great in the life of God.’

‘How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”’ (Isaiah 52:7, ESV).

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword ix
1 John Eliot (1604-1690) 1
2 David Brainerd (1718-1747) 19
3 John Leighton Wilson (1809-1886) 37
4 David Livingstone (1813-1873) 55
5 Mary Slessor (1848-1915) 73
6 Samuel Norvell Lapsley (1866-1892) 91
7 William Henry Sheppard (1865-1927) and Lucy Grant Sheppard (1867-1940) 109
8 James A. Bryan (1863-1941) 129
9 Bob Childress (1890-1956) 147
10 Mary Beam (1911-2002) and Betty Cridland (1907-2003) 163
A Prayer 184
Endnotes 185


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In Their Own Words Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:41:34 +0000 https:///uk/store/uncategorized/in-their-own-words/ Book Description Hundreds of biographies have been written of Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and John Bunyan. But there is something unique to be gained by listening to these men tell their stories in their own words. Here, in In Their Own Words is a collection of testimonial statements drawn from the writings of […]

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Book Description

Hundreds of biographies have been written of Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and John Bunyan. But there is something unique to be gained by listening to these men tell their stories in their own words.

Here, in In Their Own Words is a collection of testimonial statements drawn from the writings of Luther, Calvin, Knox, and Bunyan. We see men who candidly confessed their sins and boldly testified to the grace, mercy, and goodness of God to them. Their testimonies illustrate the great truth stated by Paul that ‘where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’ (Rom. 5:20-21).

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Testimonies vii
1 Martin Luther’s Testimony 1
2 John Calvin’s Testimony 57
3 John Knox’s Testimony 113
4 John Bunyan’s Testimony 181


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Knowing God and Ourselves Tue, 31 Jan 2017 10:00:29 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/knowing-god-and-ourselves/ Book Description The goal of Knowing God and Ourselves is to help students, especially beginning students, of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to better understand what they are reading and to encourage them to persist in working through this important but challenging book. Calvin intended the Institutes to be a guide in reading Scripture […]

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Book Description

The goal of Knowing God and Ourselves is to help students, especially beginning students, of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to better understand what they are reading and to encourage them to persist in working through this important but challenging book.

Calvin intended the Institutes to be a guide in reading Scripture and a theological companion to his commentaries. Above all, he wanted his readers to respond to biblical truth with love for God and obedient lives. The subtitle of this book is Reading Calvin’s Institutes Devotionally. Reading the Institutes devotionally is not merely one way of reading Calvin’s book. It is the only way to read it.

The sections in the Institutes to be read with each chapter of this book are clearly indicated. The reading assignments are from the McNeill-Battles edition of the 1559 Institutes; but if one prefers to use the briefer but ample 1541 French edition of the Institutes, translated by Robert White (and also published by the Banner of Truth Trust), the relevant chapter and page numbers for that edition have also been added to the ‘Read’ section at the head of each chapter in this guide.

‘By nature I love brevity’, Calvin wrote. The length of the Institutes may not seem to justify Calvin’s claim, but compared with many theologies, past and present, Calvin’s book is remarkable for its lucid brevity. David Calhoun has sought to follow Calvin’s advice in Knowing God and Ourselves. It is a short and lucid guide to Calvin’s Institutes, which, in turn, is a guide to the Bible.

‘I did not read Calvin’s Institutes until I was in my doctoral studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. I have been reading this book ever since, along with other writings by Calvin and books about Calvin. For twenty-five years, I taught a course in the Institutes at Covenant Theological Seminary. I do not idolize Calvin, but my respect for him as a teacher and pastor has grown through the years. Facing the daily task of living, with its many demands and pressures, struggling with incurable cancer, and trying to find a way to understand the chaos and grimness of world events unfolding around me, I have found Calvin a source of solidity and strength. Enjoying the gift of life, the blessing of love of family and friends, the joy of food and drink, the beauty of nature, and the wonder of it all, I have discovered in Calvin a fellow pilgrim whose words often reflected and focused my feelings and helped me to fix my eyes on heaven and to give thanks. Calvin also challenges me, rebukes me, and leads me on, gently but firmly, toward greater love for God and obedience to his word. I pray that your study of Calvin’s Institutes will bring you great blessing also.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface ix
Introduction to the Institutes 1
1 Knowing God in Creation—‘The Mirror of Divinity’ 19
2 Knowing God in Scripture—‘Spectacles’ 27
3 God—‘Three Persons in One Essence’ 37
4 Creation—‘A Spacious and Splendid House’ 51
5 Providence—‘God’s Ever-Present Hand’ 65
6 The Fall and its Consequences—‘The Curse … A Burning Furnace’ 77
7 Redemption in Christ—‘The Only Door’ 89
8 The Ten Commandments—‘The Law of Grace’ 97
9 The Old and New Testaments—‘Dawn … Noonday’ 109
10 The Person of Christ—‘The Bright Mirror’ 117
11 The Work of Christ—‘Prophet, King, Priest’ 129
12 The Holy Spirit—‘The Bond’ 141
13 Faith—‘A Palm Tree’ 149
14 Repentance—‘A Race’ 159
15 The Life of the Christian—‘Example and Pattern’ 169
16 Justification—‘The Main Hinge’ 185
17 Prayer—‘The Chief Exercise of Faith’ 201
18 Election—‘The Book of Life’ 219
19 The Resurrection—‘Promised Glory’ 237
20 The Church—‘Mother and School’ 253
21 The Church—‘The Body of Christ’ 269
22 The Roman Catholic Church—‘A Half-Demolished Building’ 279
23 The Sacraments—‘Ladders’ 291
24 Baptism—‘Symbol of Adoption’ 299
25 The Lord’s Supper—‘The Wonderful Exchange’ 309
26 Civil Government—‘Another Help’ 323
Conclusion 335
Bibliography 337

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Princeton Seminary Sat, 03 Oct 2015 14:52:20 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/princeton-seminary-set/ ENDORSEMENTS ‘This splendid, thoroughly researched, two-volume history of Princeton Seminary reads like a novel. It tells the story of one of the key institutions that shaped the transformation of post-colonial, adolescent America into a world power, and that for the first time made the Christian faith global, carrying it literally to the uttermost ends of […]

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‘This splendid, thoroughly researched, two-volume history of Princeton Seminary reads like a novel. It tells the story of one of the key institutions that shaped the transformation of post-colonial, adolescent America into a world power, and that for the first time made the Christian faith global, carrying it literally to the uttermost ends of the earth. Calhoun has ‘the gift’ , he makes historical characters spring to life. His story is more than the story of a theological seminary; it captures the essence of a whole century and a quarter (1812-1929) of the coming of age of America.’ — SAMUEL HUGH MOFFET


Book Description

Volume 1
From modest beginnings in 1812, Princeton Seminary soon became an intellectual and theological school of great importance. Long before the death of its first professors its name was almost synonymous with erudite biblical exposition, carefully worked-out reformed theology and deep spirituality. Hundreds of ministers (Baptist as well as Presbyterian) and many outstanding missionaries passed through its lecture rooms, chapel services and communal fellowship to leave a permanent spiritual mark on the people whom they later served in the advance of the gospel. These
were men who believed that ‘preaching Christ is the best, hardest, sweetest work, on this side of beholding him.’ In this, the first of two volumes, we have the story with a wealth of detail and colour down to the year 1868. While the history of an institution, it is also a record of thought and action, trends and personalities. Backed by years of careful research, by his own long experience in the training of men for the ministry, David Calhoun has produced a work which must find a permanent place in the Christian literature of the English-speaking world.

Volume 2
Here we encounter the great Hodge lineage; the broad scholarship of B. B. Warfield; the brilliance of Geerhardus Vos; the emergence of the young J. Gresham Machen. And through them we are introduced to the army of men they taught, loved, and sent through-out the world to serve Jesus Christ. It is a story which enables us to catch a glimpse of what, under God, scholarship, seminary life and Christian fellowship can be.

But faithfulness to Christ and Scripture may well lead to conflict, as the Princetonians often stressed. One such conflict would eventually divide the faculty itself and cause the loss of some of its brightest stars, as Dr. Calhoun records. He has given us a narrative of joy and sorrow, surprise and disappointment, triumph and sometimes tears. All this and more lies in the story of Princeton Seminary between 1869 and 1929.

This is indeed a ‘majestic testimony’ and it leaves upon us the same conviction that Archibald Alexander’s grandson expressed at the Seminary’s centenary in 1912; ‘If the sort of theology which is taught here should die, and its enemies should grant it a decent burial, like the Lord of Life Himself, it will have a triumphant resurrection. For the Gospel which it teaches is an unconquerable force.’

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Pleading for a Reformation Vision Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:08:14 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/pleading-reformation-vision-2/ The biography and letters of William Childs Robinson: an influential Presbyterian minister in the 20th century, who sounded the vital affirmations of the Protestant Reformation. 336pp.

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘I have often said that Dr. William Childs Robinson was the greatest scholar I had the privilege of studying under. I believe that I took every elective that he offered and would say that his theological influence on my thinking was greater than that of any other teacher. I have quoted him more than probably all of other professors combined.’– D. JAMES KENNEDY

‘Dr. Robinson lived in the presence of the living God. He honored his convictions against the pressures of the time and the lure of career ambitions…Even though his work was against the times, this very fact is perhaps the best reason for taking his work seriously. It is likely that his work as a churchman and teacher of ministers was more lasting that can now be estimated. In any case, the final judgment, as he knew so well, belongs to God. Few of Robinson’s critics have been able to match his brilliance, his diligent churchmanship and scholarship, his commitment to the faith and to participation in the organized life of the church.’– JOHN H. LEITH

‘William Childs Robinson was a key figure in the history of Presbyterianism in the South, and in the whole country. When the struggle in the Southern Presbyterian Church was at its height, Dr. Robinson was right there. If you asked the “founding fathers” of the Presbyterian Church in America, they would all point to him as the stalwart of the faith in this critical days.’– O. PALMER ROBERTSON

‘As an exponent and a champion of the Reformed faith, William Childs Robinson sought to sound again and again the vital affirmations of the Protestant Reformation. He has emphasized always the authority of the Word of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. For him the fact of the sovereignty of God was central, and he constantly taught and preached the doctrine of justification by faith.’– J. MCDOWELL RICHARDS

Book Description

A minister of the Presbyterian Church in the United States for more than sixty years, William Childs Robinson’s career spanned the great events of twentieth-century history from the Great Depression to the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights movement. These were difficult years for America and for Protestant Christianity in America. In this book, David Calhoun tells of how Robinson tirelessly laboured to arrest the Southern Presbyterian Church’s slide toward a liberal theological position and preserve the old Calvinism that had marked the church from its beginning. In seminary classrooms, in pulpits across the South and beyond, and in the courts of the church, Robinson’s voice was heard “pleading for a Reformation vision” based on faithfulness to Scripture and supported by the testimony of Reformers, English Puritans and Scottish Covenanters.

There then follows a selection of twenty-three articles from Robinson’s pen which show something of the breadth and depth of Robinson’s vision. In them one sees a man who exercised an all-round ministry as evangelist, pastor, church historian, and theologian, equally at ease writing on such diverse subjects as “The Saviour of Sinners”, “Under His Wings”, “The Theological Emphases of the Old Columbia Seminary”, and “The Trinity: God in Action”. Though unsuccessful in halting the church’s decline into theological liberalism, Robinson’s long years of ministry influenced successive generations of students and ministers, many of whom preserve his legacy by pleading for the same “Reformation vision”.


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Our Southern Zion Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Part collective biography and part narrative history, this book follows the story of Old Columbia Seminary during the years 1828-1927. 408pp.

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‘I have long admired the historical/theological writings of Dr. David Calhoun (of Covenant Seminary) because he has the rare gift of combining historical accuracy, wide and deep cultural perception, theological insight and best of all, the fragrance of Christ and his gospel. His most recent volume on the first century of Columbia Theological Seminary (then in South Carolina), 1828-1927 exhibits all of these qualities in a beautiful combination.’– DOUGLAS F. KELLY

Book Description

A few blocks from the First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, South Carolina, is a fine antebellum mansion, the Robert Mills Historic House, named for the man who designed it. The house, beautifully restored, with Regency furnishings, marble mantelpieces, and sterling silver doorknobs and locksets, reflects the wealth and culture of Ainsley Halt, the man who briefly owned it. More fitting, however, would be desks and tables and books of the professors and students of Columbia Theological Seminary, which made the house its home for almost a hundred years. The rooms of the main floor were the classrooms, where George Howe trained generations of Southern ministers in biblical exegesis, where James Henley Thornwell taught Calvin’s Institutes, where John Adger explained the sacraments and church polity, and where John Girardeau set forth the great themes of Reformed theology. It was in one of these rooms that two students organized the Society of Inquiry on Missions in February of 1831.

On the top floor was the library-many of its books lovingly collected in Europe by Thomas Smyth, pastor of Charleston’s Second Presbyterian Church. Woodrow Wilson said that in the little chapel, originally the mansion’s stables, he had heard some of the greatest examples of eloquent and powerful preaching. In that chapel the Southern Presbyterian Book of Church Order was hammered out. A later Columbian beautifully wrote that ‘the Book of Church Order for a church which glories to acclaim [Christ] alone as King who was cradled in a manger, was composed in a house built for a carriage stable’ (William Childs Robinson, Columbia Theological Seminary, p. 94).

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations ix
Preface by Dr Douglas F Kelly xi
Introduction: ‘Another Sun’ xv
1 A New Town 1
2 A New Theological Seminary 9
3 John Leighton Wilson 27
4 An Old School Seminary 39
5 James Henley Thornwell 51
6 Benjamin Morgan Palmer 61
7 The Southern Presbyterian Review 73
8 ‘A Door Opened’ 81
9 ‘The Glory of the Lord Risen Upon It’ 95
10 Dr Thornwell at the Seminary 101
11 Thornwell’s Legacy: Theologian 113
12 Thornwell’s Legacy: Churchman and Southerner 125
13 John Adger and James Woodrow 137
14 The Southern Presbyterian Church 163
15 The War between the States 179
16 ‘Streams in the Desert’ 195
17 Joseph Ruggles Wilson 209
18 John Lafayette Girardeau 221
19 ‘The Dear Seminary’ 241
20 ‘The Lord’s Ordering’ 255
21 The Evolution Controversy 265
22 Girardeau’s Legacy 281
23 ‘No Uncertain Sound’ 293
24 Columbia and Louisville 303
25 ‘A Passing Breath’ 317
26 ‘The Line of Descent’ 333
27 ‘The Prophet’s Call and the Shepherd’s Heart’ 345
28 The Last Commencement 355
Conclusion: ‘This Pure Light’ 365
Index 369


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Princeton Seminary Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 In this movingly told story we meet great spirituality, great scholars, great missionary vision and great consecration to Christ. Vol. 1—Faith and Learning 1812–68, 528pp.

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‘This splendid, thoroughly researched, two-volume history of Princeton Seminary reads like a novel. It tells the story of one of the key institutions that shaped the transformation of post-colonial, adolescent America into a world power, and that for the first time made the Christian faith global, carrying it literally to the uttermost ends of the earth. Calhoun has ‘the gift’ , he makes historical characters spring to life. His story is more than the story of a theological seminary; it captures the essence of a whole century and a quarter (1812-1929) of the coming of age of America.’– SAMUEL HUGH MOFFET


Book Description

From modest beginnings in 1812, Princeton Seminary soon became an intellectual and theological school of great importance. Long before the death of its first professors its name was almost synonymous with erudite biblical exposition, carefully worked-out reformed theology and deep spirituality. Hundreds of ministers (Baptist as well as Presbyterian) and many outstanding missionaries passed through its lecture rooms, chapel services and communal fellowship to leave a permanent spiritual mark on the people whom they later served in the advance of the gospel. These
were men who believed that ‘preaching Christ is the best, hardest, sweetest work, on this side of beholding him.’ In this, the first of two volumes, we have the story with a wealth of detail and colour down to the year 1868. While the history of an institution, it is also a record of thought and action, trends and personalities. Backed by years of careful research, by his own long experience in the training of men for the ministry, David Calhoun has produced a work which must find a permanent place in the Christian literature of the English-speaking world.

Table of Contents Expand ↓


Foreword xv
Preface xix
1 Nassau Hall
2 The Seminary 25
3 Archibald Alexander 41
4 Samuel Miller 61
5 Faith and Energy 75
6 Charles Hodge 103
7 The Sabbath Afternoon Conference 125
8 The Concert for Prayer and the Society of Inquiry on Missions 137
9 School of the Prophets 161
10 The Seminary in the 1830s 189
11 The Old Doctrines of Calvinism 211
12 Our Beloved Zion 237
13 Old School Princeton 257
14 The Duty of Controversy 289
15 The Church and the Country 321
16 Two Great Lights 333
17 Our Elisha 351
18 Transitions 375
19 War and Peace 389
1 The Plan of a Theological Seminary 413
2 Bibliographical Note 431
3 Biographical Summaries of Faculty 435
Notes 441
The Index to both volumes of this work will be found at the end of Volume 2.


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Princeton Seminary Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 In this movingly told story we meet great spirituality, great scholars, great missionary vision and great consecration to Christ. Vol. 2—The Majestic Testimony 1868–1929, 592pp.

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‘This splendid, thoroughly researched, two-volume history of Princeton Seminary reads like a novel. It tells the story of one of the key institutions that shaped the transformation of post-colonial, adolescent America into a world power, and that for the first time made the Christian faith global, carrying it literally to the uttermost ends of the earth. Calhoun has ‘the gift’ , he makes historical characters spring to life. His story is more than the story of a theological seminary; it captures the essence of a whole century and a quarter (1812-1929) of the coming of age of America.’– SAMUEL HUGH MOFFET


Book Description

Here we encounter the great Hodge lineage; the broad scholarship of B. B. Warfield; the brilliance of Geerhardus Vos; the emergence of the young J. Gresham Machen. And through them we are introduced to the army of men they taught, loved, and sent through-out the world to serve Jesus Christ. It is a story which enables us to catch a glimpse of what, under God, scholarship, seminary life and Christian fellowship can be.

But faithfulness to Christ and Scripture may well lead to conflict, as the Princetonians often stressed. One such conflict would eventually divide the faculty itself and cause the loss of some of its brightest stars, as Dr. Calhoun records. He has given us a narrative of joy and sorrow, surprise and disappointment, triumph and sometimes tears. All this and more lies in the story of Princeton Seminary between 1869 and 1929.

This is indeed a ‘majestic testimony’ and it leaves upon us the same conviction that Archibald Alexander’s grandson expressed at the Seminary’s centenary in 1912; ‘If the sort of theology which is taught here should die, and its enemies should grant it a decent burial, like the Lord of Life Himself, it will have a triumphant resurrection. For the Gospel which it teaches is an unconquerable force.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword xiii
Preface xvii
1 Faith and Learning 1
2 Jubilee! 27
3 The Hodges: Father and Sons 45
4 Thy Word is Truth 63
5 Evolution and Inspiration 77
6 A Sacred Trust 91
7 The Majestic Testimony 111
8 Cloud of Witnesses 129
9 The Seminary and the College 147
10 Princeton Contra Mundum 171
11 The Faculty of 1902 195
12 J Gresham Machen 219
13 Zealous for the Gospel 237
14 Incarnate Truth 253
15 The Centennial and the New President 273
16 The War Years 293
17 Warfield of Princeton 313
18 Christianity and Liberalism 329
19 A Mighty Battle 345
20 The Banner of Truth 363
21 The End of an Epoch 383
22 The Princeton Theology 399
1 Bibliographical Note 433
2 Biographical Summaries of Faculty 437
Notes 447
Index 531
Both author and publisher are indebted to the Rev. William O. Harris, Librarian for Archives and Special Collections at Princeton Theological Seminary, for the immense help he has given in securing and providing so many of the illustrations in this volume. We could not have had more enthusiastic and generous support.


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