Murray, Iain H. Archives - Banner of Truth UK Christian Publisher of Reformed & Puritan Books Mon, 12 Aug 2024 15:59:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Murray, Iain H. Archives - Banner of Truth UK 32 32 Seven Leaders Fri, 26 May 2017 14:00:22 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/seven-leaders/ Endorsements ‘Murray traces the work of seven pastors over time, and he shows the consistencies in their ministries, saying “what is it about these men that distinguished them as exceptional leaders, pastors, expositors of God’s word?” And he gives insights into that, and shows that it’s the same over the centuries; it hasn’t changed. Very […]

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‘Murray traces the work of seven pastors over time, and he shows the consistencies in their ministries, saying “what is it about these men that distinguished them as exceptional leaders, pastors, expositors of God’s word?” And he gives insights into that, and shows that it’s the same over the centuries; it hasn’t changed. Very encouraging read, very pleasant read, and I would recommend it.’ — JEFF KINGSWOOD

Book Description

Spiritual leaders lead people to heaven. Here in Seven Leaders are accounts of seven such men, together with the distinctive features of their lives—in John Elias, the necessity of the power of the Holy Spirit; in Andrew Bonar, the reality of communion with Christ; in Archie Brown, the irresistibility of love; in Kenneth MacRae, the need for faithfulness to death; in Martyn Lloyd-Jones, theology and doctrine; in W. J. Grier, passing on the ‘sacred deposit’; and in John MacArthur, the governing authority of the word of God. An Old Testament miracle once took place at a burial. We are told that when the deceased was ‘let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet’ (2 Kings 13:21). Through books, the past can be touched, and the consequence may be as much of God as when Martin Luther handled the old writings of Jan Huss. Records of faithful servants of Christ still speak and can bring new life today.

Iain Murray on Seven Leaders


Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction xi
1 John Elias and Revival 1
Youth, Anglesey and Marriage 3
An Evangelist in Times of Awakening 9
Wider Ministry 17
Elias as a Watchman 19
Calvinistic Belief Challenged 27
2 Andrew A. Bonar: Fellowship with Christ 43
The Years of Preparation 46
The Glasgow Ministry, 1856–1892 52
M‘Cheyne Dies and the Biography Lives 55
Times of Revival 56
Isabella Bonar 60
Godliness and Usefulness 61
What Follows from Communion with God 63
Why Are We Impoverished? 70
3 The Rediscovery of Archie Brown 73
Called to Christ and to Preach 76
The Awakening at Stepney 79
Deaths and Sorrows 82
The Enlarged Work 85
The Man and the Message 87
The Place of the Holy Spirit 92
Note: C. H. Spurgeon on How to Obtain and Retain the Attention of our Hearers 96
4 Kenneth A. MacRae: Preacher and Pastor 99
Lessons from the Diaries of Fifty Years 101
The Preparation 104
Governing Principles of Ministry 110
The Preparation of Sermons 115
The Holy Spirit in Preaching 126
5 Understanding Martyn Lloyd-Jones 131
Start with Theology 133
Life-Changing Experience 136
Controversy over the Preaching of the Gospel 139
Public Worship 144
Doctrine and Revival 145
The Imprint of Faith on Life 149
Six Rules for Preachers 150
Note: Was Lloyd-Jones an Amyraldian? 154
6 W. J. Grier: Against Frittering Life Away 169
Princeton Theological Seminary 176
Presbyterians in Turmoil 180
The Irish Evangelical Church 188
Personal Trials 190
The Decades which Followed 195
Correspondence on Books and Authors 203
The Last Years of Work 206
Note: The Recovery of the Old Princeton Seminary Authors 211
7 John MacArthur: Preaching and Scripture 213
Biography 216
Faith in the Word of God 220
Without Scripture the Knowledge of God Is Lost 222
Without Scripture a Sense of Sin Is Lost 224
Where the Bible is not Upheld the Church Turns to Other Means to Promote Her Influence 225
Where Scripture Is not Honoured Doctrine Is Discounted 228
Scripture and Unity 230
Note: The Inerrant Word 234
Endnotes 237
General Index 269
Index of Authors and Works Cited 277

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J.C. Ryle Mon, 13 Jun 2016 15:00:03 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/j-c-ryle/ Endorsements ‘That man of granite with the heart of a child.’ — F. J. CHAVASSE ‘Ryle was at heart an evangelist.’ — MARCUS LOANE ‘Famous, outstanding and beloved exponent of the evangelical and reformed faith.’ — D. M. LLOYD-JONES ‘A single-minded Christian communicator of profound biblical, theological and pastoral wisdom, a man and minister of […]

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‘That man of granite with the heart of a child.’ — F. J. CHAVASSE

‘Ryle was at heart an evangelist.’ — MARCUS LOANE

‘Famous, outstanding and beloved exponent of the evangelical and reformed faith.’ — D. M. LLOYD-JONES

‘A single-minded Christian communicator of profound biblical, theological and pastoral wisdom, a man and minister of giant personal stature and electric force (‘unction’ was the old name for it).’ — J. I. PACKER

‘Bold as a lion for the truth of God’s Word and his Gospel.’ — RICHARD HOBSON

Book Description

The life of J. C. Ryle has only to be heard once to be remembered. His 84 years (1816–1900) included remarkable contrasts—the promise of a fortune, then the poverty of a bankrupt; a Suffolk country pastor, then bishop of the leading seaport of the British Empire. But there was a still greater change—from the successful youth at Eton and Oxford, who did not pray or read his Bible till he was 21, to become a Christian ‘bold as a lion for the truth of God’s Word and his Gospel’.

Although one of the most widely read evangelical authors of the nineteenth century, Ryle’s writings lost influence after his death. The world had moved on, as was supposed. Then, fifty years later a ‘rediscovery’ began. Research on his life was accomplished by able authors, and from a new wealth of material Iain Murray has put together a compelling biography. Ryle believed in definite doctrine, in a message which does not adjust to the times, in revival, and in the living Christ. He knew that all the great turning points of church history have been attended with controversy, and that ‘there are times when controversy is not only a duty but a benefit’.

J. C. Ryle’s life is convincing evidence that Christianity stands or falls depending on its relation to the word of God and to the Holy Spirit. That he is being read widely again at the present time gives hope of better days.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations ix
Introduction xi
1 Schooldays 1
2 ‘The Greatest Change and Event in My Life’ 13
3 Church and Homes Divided 25
4 All Doors Shut Except One 41
5 Peace Disturbed in Hampshire 53
6 Rural Suffolk: Stepping-Stone to the World 69
7 Puritans at Helmingham Rectory 91
8 Stradbroke: Twenty Fruitful Years 107
9 The Teacher 131
10 Liverpool 155
11 Standing Firm under Darkening Skies 177
12 The Last Years 197
13 What Does Ryle Say for Today? 215
Appendix 1 Extracts from Ryle 237
Appendix 2 Herbert E Ryle 249
Index 261



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真正的复兴 Tue, 22 Sep 2015 12:07:03 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/revival-revivalism-chinese/ 从1750年到1858年的美洲福音派历史与分析 评 论 《真正的复兴》是教会史研究领域的经典,不仅记录了教会的过去,更是开启当代福音派运动及其深层次需要的钥匙。当今每个渴望教会复兴的基督徒都应阅读本书。 ——傅格森(救赎主神学院系统神学教授/《磐石之上》与《日光之上》作者) 本书依据史实分析18-19世纪的美洲福音派复兴运动,指明如何区分“真正的复兴”与“奋兴运动”,以及此差异对今日教会的重大影响。这是精研复兴运动史的杰作,是苏醒人心的暮鼓晨钟,是期盼教会复兴者必读之作! ——吕沛渊(威斯敏斯特神学院博士) 《真正的复兴》一书,我早已拜读过英文原著,受益匪浅。不管是在神学的正统性上,还是在历史的客观性上,此书都属于经典之作。真正的“复兴”,永远是“上帝神奇的工作”,不是来自人为的操纵和宣传所造成的各种各样的“奋兴”。“复兴”的共同点就是:“相信上帝在他的话语上永远信实,相信基督已从死里复活,相信圣灵已被赐下以确保上帝的国度会不断扩展”;而人为的“奋兴”则是“情绪性的、出于人为操控的事情”。真正的复兴所代表的是“思想”,是真 理方面的发现和回归,最终也落实在生命的改变和美德的增加上。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现“整体性的变革”。中国教会正在经历真正的“复兴”,但也不乏各种形式的人为的“奋兴”。唯愿默里先生此书中译本的出版,能够帮助中国教会识别何谓真正的“复兴”和人为的“奋兴”,在复兴的烈火中能够既有火热的心志,同时保持头脑的冷静和清醒,消除各种山寨版的“复兴”和“基督教”,使中国教会和社会更多得蒙真理的光照与祝福! ——王志勇(香港雅和博圣约书院院长/美国主恩基督教会主任牧师) 內容簡介 “决志信主”等同于悔改归信吗?复兴是情绪化的吗?复兴是人为操作的吗?复兴是可以复制的吗?真正的复兴必定会带来生命的改变和美德的增加。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现“整体性的变革”。 伊恩•默里分析了1750年到1858年在美国大部分宗派中出现的复兴运动,用大量历史事实推论得出复兴与奋兴之间的差别。帮助读者去伪存真,认识真正的复兴。

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评 论



《真正的复兴》一书,我早已拜读过英文原著,受益匪浅。不管是在神学的正统性上,还是在历史的客观性上,此书都属于经典之作。真正的“复兴”,永远是“上帝神奇的工作”,不是来自人为的操纵和宣传所造成的各种各样的“奋兴”。“复兴”的共同点就是:“相信上帝在他的话语上永远信实,相信基督已从死里复活,相信圣灵已被赐下以确保上帝的国度会不断扩展”;而人为的“奋兴”则是“情绪性的、出于人为操控的事情”。真正的复兴所代表的是“思想”,是真 理方面的发现和回归,最终也落实在生命的改变和美德的增加上。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现“整体性的变革”。中国教会正在经历真正的“复兴”,但也不乏各种形式的人为的“奋兴”。唯愿默里先生此书中译本的出版,能够帮助中国教会识别何谓真正的“复兴”和人为的“奋兴”,在复兴的烈火中能够既有火热的心志,同时保持头脑的冷静和清醒,消除各种山寨版的“复兴”和“基督教”,使中国教会和社会更多得蒙真理的光照与祝福!




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Amy Carmichael Thu, 16 Apr 2015 09:48:54 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/amy-carmichael/ Endorsements ‘This is a love story of the noblest kind. It is an enriching consideration of a woman’s relentless love for her Saviour, her Bible, her friends, and most uniquely, her love for lost, suffering and desperate sinners – to whom she gave her life. Such devotion as hers seems so distant. Reading this brief […]

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‘This is a love story of the noblest kind. It is an enriching consideration of a woman’s relentless love for her Saviour, her Bible, her friends, and most uniquely, her love for lost, suffering and desperate sinners – to whom she gave her life. Such devotion as hers seems so distant. Reading this brief history will confront and help to close that distance.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR

‘Iain Murray has written a superb account of this remarkable woman’s life . . . He has read her books and her poetry, and what he writes reveals a keen understanding of the motives and undertakings of an extraordinary woman. It warmed my heart and informed my mind . . . I cannot too enthusiastically recommend this book.’ — IAN S. BARTER

‘Amy Carmichael receives a short but solid treatment from Iain Murray. I love the respect he has for her, even though she represents quite a different theological tradition.’ — TIM CHALLIES

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations xi
Foreword by Patricia MacArthur xiii
Preface xv
1 From Belfast to India 1
2 Dohnavur: the Unexpected Life-Calling 25
3 Amy’s Children 47
4 Hard Days and Golden Years 69
5 The 1930s and 1940s 95
6 The Life and Its Message 115
7 The Bible and World Evangelization 143
Bibliography 157
The Dohnavur Fellowship Today 163


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Evangelical Holiness Tue, 07 Jan 2014 13:37:26 +0000 http:///uk/store/uncategorized/evangelical-holiness/ Endorsement ‘All that Iain Murray writes is lucid, compelling and of consequence for the church.’– GEOFF THOMAS Book Description In London in the 1950s Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a new meaning to ‘conferences’. For him they were not times for learned discussion, or for the reading of papers, but a means of awakening a younger generation […]

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‘All that Iain Murray writes is lucid, compelling and of consequence for the church.’– GEOFF THOMAS

Book Description

In London in the 1950s Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a new meaning to ‘conferences’. For him they were not times for learned discussion, or for the reading of papers, but a means of awakening a younger generation to big spiritual issues. From such gatherings, preachers, in particular, would carry fire back to their churches. Following his mentor’s  model, Iain Murray has sought, with others, to continue that practice. These pages are a selection of his more recent addresses and include:

  • Evangelical Holiness and Spirituality; 
  • The Attack on the Bible;
  • Apostasy;
  • The Benefits and Dangers of Controversy; 
  • and Rest in God, The Fourth Commandment Is For Today. 

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1 Evangelical Holiness and Spirituality 1
2 The Attack on the Bible 41
3 Apostasy 81
4 The Benefits and Dangers of Controversy 111
5 Rest in God 139
Index 171



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The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:57:39 +0000 http://new./uk/?post_type=product&p=11964 EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘The most powerful and persuasive voice in Britain for some thirty years is now silent.’ — JOHN R. W. STOTT ‘The greatest man I have ever known.’ — JAMES I. PACKER ‘Martyn Lloyd-Jones was one of God’s special gifts to the Church in the 20th century, and the longer time goes on, […]

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘The most powerful and persuasive voice in Britain for some thirty years is now silent.’ — JOHN R. W. STOTT

‘The greatest man I have ever known.’ — JAMES I. PACKER

‘Martyn Lloyd-Jones was one of God’s special gifts to the Church in the 20th century, and the longer time goes on, my admiration of him increases. He has a more profound spiritual vision than anyone else I know.’ — MARK DEVER

‘I am deeply thankful that God led me to Lloyd-Jones in 1968. He has been a constant reminder: you don’t have to be cool, hip, or clever to be powerful. In fact, the sacred anointing is simply in another world from those communication techniques. His is the world I want to live in when I step into the pulpit.’ — JOHN PIPER

‘No preacher had greater influence on me in my formative years than David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. It was his preaching which I absorbed in books, without ever hearing his voice, that brought together biblical exegesis, sound theology, insightful wisdom and pastoral care into one clear, well focused picture.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR

‘No one will ever understand my husband until they realise that he is first of all a man of prayer and then an evangelist.’ — BETHAN LLOYD-JONES

Book Description

This book is a re-cast, condensed and, in parts, re-written version of the author’s two volumes D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The First Forty Years (1982) and The Fight of Faith (1990). Since those dates, the life of Dr Lloyd-Jones has been the subject of comment and assessment in many publications and these have been taken into account. The main purpose of this further biography, however, is to put Dr Lloyd-Jones’ life before another generation in more accessible form. The big story is all here.

When Lloyd-Jones left medicine, he intended only to be an evangelist in a mission hall in South Wales. No one was more surprised than he in being called to a ministry which would eventually affect churches across the world. How this happened is here explained, but the theme is the person described by F. F. Bruce: ‘a thoroughly humble man. He was a man of prayer, a powerful evangelistan expository preacher of rare quality, in the fullest sense a servant of the Word of God.’

Behind that theme a greater one emerges. In ML-J’s own words: My whole life experiences are proof of the sovereignty of God and his direct interference in the lives of men. I cannot help believing what I believe. I would be a madman to believe anything else-the guiding hand of God! It is an astonishment to me.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface xi
1 ‘A Welshman Now!’ 1
2 School-days: Tregaron and London 15
3 The World of Medicine 33
4 ‘All Things New’ 43
5 The Call to the Ministry 55
6 Bethan and Aberavon 69
7 A Different Preaching 85
8 Early Days at Sandfields 101
9 A Leader without a Party 113
10 A Local Revival 127
11 The Church Family 145
12 Enlarged Work 155
13 Leaving Aberavon 171
14 England and War 185
15 Inside the Family 205
16 The Emerging Leader 223
17 New Agencies 237
18 Westminster Chapel, 1943–45 247
19 Guidance Confirmed 263
20 Wales and the Summer of 1949 273
21 A Rising Tide of Youth 283
22 Sundays in the 1950s 299
23 Opposition 323
24 An Awakening of Books 347
25 Unity: Ecumenical or Evangelical? 363
26 Crisis Years 375
27 Controversy 389
28 The End of an Era 409
29 A World Pulpit 419
30 The 1970s 433
31 ‘Dying… He Worshipped’ 443
Index 461

The Single-Mindedness of the Ministry of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones


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Spurgeon y sus controversias Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:17:07 +0000 http://new./uk/?post_type=product&p=11967 Book Description La figura de Spurgeon no necesita presentación en los circulos evangelicos. El conocido predicador de la época  victoriana dejo una huella que se ha extendido mucho mas alla de la Inglaterra de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Sin embargo, no siempre se han aquilatado debidamente las razones de su influencia, y menos […]

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Book Description

La figura de Spurgeon no necesita presentación en los circulos evangelicos. El conocido predicador de la época  victoriana dejo una huella que se ha extendido mucho mas alla de la Inglaterra de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Sin embargo, no siempre se han aquilatado debidamente las razones de su influencia, y menos aun se ha comprendido el mensaje que sacudió hasta sus cimientos las estructuras religiosas de su epoca. De hecho,  puede decirse que el mensaje de Spurgeon ha sufrido una manifiesta distorsion con el paso del tiempo.

Este libro investiga los principales aspectos del pensamiento teológico de nuestro personaje, especialmente en relación con las grandes controversias que le ocuparon su denuncia de la superficialidad religiosa, el debate en torno a la “regeneracion bautismal”, la aguda polemica contra las herejias modernistas y la batalla por la predicacion del evangelio.

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Letters Of Charles Haddon Spurgeon Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 A selection, with notes by Iain H. Murray. 224pp.

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Book Description

The ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon has extended beyond his lifetime in many remarkable ways. His sermons have continued to be widely and enthusiastically read and the story of his life, retold in many biographies, continues to fascinate Christians everywhere. But a man often reveals the most endearing facets of his personality in his correspondence, unveiling himself in the private activity of putting pen to paper. That was true of Spurgeon.

In this new collection of Spurgeon’s letters the private man is made public in a way that confirms the reality of his Christian profession and proclamation. Here we see him as always purposeful and earnest, yet warmly human; deeply sensitive and spiritual, yet remaining child-like and humorous. In this fine selection of letters to young and old, to members of his congregation and strangers, to colleagues and fellow pastors, we are given a glimpse of Spurgeon as his friends must have known him: full of life, full of wisdom, full of joy, even when in discomfort, but most of all, full of Christ.

Table of Contents Expand ↓


Introduction 11
Biographical Notes 15
The Rev John Spurgeon (father), Jan. 30, 1850 19
Mrs Eliza Spurgeon (mother), Feb. 19, 1850 21
The Rev John Spurgeon, Apr. 6, 1850 23
Mrs Eliza Spurgeon, May 1, 1850 25
Mrs Eliza Spurgeon, June 11, 1850 27
The Rev John Spurgeon, Sept. 19, 1850 29
Mrs Walker, June 3, 1851 31
Mrs Walker, June 25, 1851 32
The Rev John Spurgeon, Oct. 15, 1851 34
The Rev John Spurgeon, Feb. 24, 1852 35
The Rev Richard Knill, Feb. 7, 1853 38
The Rev John Spurgeon, Dec., 1853 41
James Low, Jan. 27, 1854 45
The Rev John Spurgeon, Early 1854 47
The Misses Blunson, March 1854 49
Baptist Church in New Park St., April 28, 1854 50
James S. Watts, August 25, 1854 52
Miss Susannah Thompson, Jan. 11, 1855 54
James S. Watts, March 23, 1855 56
Susannah Thompson, July 17, 1855 58
Susannah Thompson, Dec., 1855 60
Thomas W. Medhurst, Sept. 22, 1855 60
James S. Watts, Feb. 23, 1856 61
Master William Cooper, The Urgency of Finding Real Religion 67
T. W. Medhurst, Advice to an Enquirer 69
T. W. Medhurst, Further Advice on Making Sure of Salvation 70
N. H. Patrick, On Beginning Missionary Service 71
Pastor James Wells, Sympathy for ‘A Father in the Gospel’ 73
” The Shock of the Unexpected 74
” On Living by Faith 75
The Rev Thomas Curme, Home in Sight 76
” The Rule for Peace-Makers 77
W. Higgs Jr., On Losing a Child 77
Mr Court, Friendship in Life and Death 78
” First Steps for a Would-Be Missionary 79
Pastor T. W. Medhurst, July 26, 1862 83
Pastor T. W. Medhurst, August 2, 1869 85
United Methodist Assembly, August, 1871 85
The Rev James Archer Spurgeon, July 27, 1878 86
The Rev James Archer Spurgeon, Undated 87
J. L. Keys, Sept. 13, 1879 88
Pastor William Williams, Jan. 21, 1881 89
W. Y. Fullerton and M. Smith, Sept. 13, 1883 89
Mr Page, June 17, 1884 90
The Rev Alexander Whyte, Sept. 13, 1884 91
” Jan. 23, 1885 91
” May 18 [?] 92
The Rev James Archer Spurgeon, June 7, 1887 93
Pastor George Samuel, Sept. 25, 1888 94
Pastor William Williams, 1888 95
Mr Smith, Feb. 28, 1889 95
N. H. Patrick, May 17, 1890 96
The Rev James Archer Spurgeon, Oct. 18, 1890 96
Miss Caroline Louisa Spurgeon, Dec. 1850 101
Charles Spurgeon, Sept. 1867 102
Charles Spurgeon, Nov. 3, 1868 [?] 103
Metropolitan Tabernacle Young People, Jan. 23, 1874 104
Thomas Spurgeon, 1877 105
Charles Spurgeon, Jan. 15, 1881 106
Charles Spurgeon, Dec. 12 [?] 107
Stockwell Orphanage Children, Dec. 20, 1887 109
Bray, one of the Orphan Boys 110
Mr and Mrs Charles Spurgeon, Sept. 11, 1890 111
A Parent 115
An Enquiring Candidate 116
An Enquiring Candidate 117
An Enquiring Candidate 118
J. L. Keys 118
A Colleague 119
Members of the Pastors’ College Association 120
A Colleague 120
Members of the Pastors’ College Association 121
The Rev W. Y. Fullerton 122
An Enquiring Married Candidate 123
An Accepted Candidate 124
Members of the Pastors’ College Association 124
An Accepted Candidate 125
Members of the Pastors’ College Association 126
A Parent 127
Mr Tooke 128
John T. Dunn 131
The Church in the Tabernacle 132
John T. Dunn 133
The Tabernacle Sabbath School 134
The Sabbath School Superintendent 135
The Men’s Bible Class 136
John T. Dunn 137
John T. Dunn 137
John T. Dunn 138
Joseph Passmore, On his Publishers’ ‘Retirement’ 141
Mr Goldston, On the Gift of a Table 142
” American Newspapers Corrected 142
” A Sister’s Problem 143
” Smoking 143
” Gratitude 144
Mr McAusland, On the Loan of Books 144
” Encouragement to a Sunday-School Teacher 145
Final Perseverance 149
Infant Salvation 150
Error and Church Membership 150
Preserving Harmony of Belief in Churches 151
Abstinence from Alcohol 152
The State and Marriage 153
Vivisection 154
[Ben Nicholson] Moody and Sankey in London 155
[Mr Soper] On Public Baptisms 156
Evolution 157
[Mr Mills] Should a Call to an Arminian Church be Accepted? 157
‘Catching Fleas’ 158
Brethren-ism 159
Mrs Susannah Spurgeon 163
A Friend, Sept. 8, 1873 164
The Rev A. G. Brown 165
‘My Dear Church and People’, March 9, 1877 166
A Church Officer at the Tabernacle 167
The Church at the Tabernacle, Mar. 12, 1882 167
A Medical Adviser, May 2, 1882 168
Rev James Archer Spurgeon, Dec. 2, 1882 169
John T. Dunn 170
An Elder at the Tabernacle 171
A friend 172
A Friend, May 25, 1888 173
The Church at the Tabernacle, May, 1888 174
‘To Be Read at Prayer Meeting’, 1888 174
The Rev Newman Hall, Jan. 20, 1889 175
The Rev Dr D. A. Doudney, Dec. 5, 1890 176
A Friend, Dec. 29, 1877 179
The Editor of The Baptist, May 27, 1881 180
Dr S. H. Booth, Oct. 28, 1887 182
Mr Mackey, Nov. 23, 1887 182
John T. Dunn 184
Joseph, , Feb. 8, 1888 185
A Friend, Feb. 15, 1888 186
A Friend, Feb. 21, 1888 186
A Friend, Feb. 21, 1888 187
Friends, Feb.28, 1888 188
Mr Wright, April 27, 1888 189
Mr Wright, May 4, 1888 190
Mr Near, June 16, 1888 191
A Friend, June 23, 1888 191
Mr Wright, Sept. 14, 1888 192
The Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces of Canada, Oct. 5, 1888 192
A Friend, Nov. 16, 1888 195
Mr Near, Feb. 20, 1890 195
Mr Near, Feb. 22, 1890 196
William Olney, Jan. 31,1891 201
Members of the Pastors’ College Association, Mar. 10, 1891 202
Office-Bearers at the Tabernacle, April 27, 1891 203
A Friend, May 30, 1891 203
The Church at the Tabernacle, Dec. 24, 1891 204
The Church at the Tabernacle, Dec. 31, 1891 205
The Rev Archibald G. Brown, Jan. 2, 1892 206
The Church at the Tabernacle, Jan. 6, 1892 207
The Deacons, Metropolitan Tabernacle 208
The Rev William Cuff, Jan. 9, 1892 209
Joseph Passmore, Jan. 16, 1892 210
William Higgs, Jan. 20, 1892 211
Index 213

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Forgotten Spurgeon Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 An incisive, historical and theological insight into the great 19th-century Baptist and the doctrines which moulded his life and thought. 288pp.

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Book Description

This book seeks to throw light on the reasons which have given rise to the superficial image of Spurgeon as a genial Victorian pulpiteer, a kind of grandfather of modern evangelicalism. Even before his death in 1892 newspapers and church leaders disputed over the features of his life which entitled him to fame. Not his ‘narrow creed’ but his ‘genuine loving character’ was most worthy of remembrance said one periodical, echoing the general view. When Joseph Parker contrasted the hard Calvinism preached at Spurgeon’s Tabernacle with the praiseworthy Christianity exemplified in his orphanage, The Baptist protested that the man about whom Parker wrote ‘is not the Spurgeon of history’. But the distortion continued and Spurgeon forecast how the position he held might fare in years to come: ‘I am quite willing to be eaten by dogs for the next fifty years but the more distant future shall vindicate me’.

This book traces the main lines of Spurgeon’s spiritual thought in connection with the three great controversies in his ministry– the first was his stand against the diluted gospel fashionable in the London to which the young preacher came in the 1850s; the second, the famous ‘Baptismal Regeneration’ debate of 1864; lastly, the lacerating Down-Grade controversy of 1887-1891 when Spurgeon sought to awaken Christians to the danger of the Church ‘being buried beneath the boiling mud-showers of modern heresy’.

Steve Lawson on Reading the Forgotten Spurgeon

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface to Second Edition ix
Some Dates concerning Spurgeon xiii
Why ‘The Forgotten Spurgeon’? 1
1 The Preacher in Park Street 21
2 The Lost Controversy 47
3 Arminianism against Scripture 73
4 Arminianism and Evangelism 105
5 Church Issues Revived 123
6 The Down-Grade 147
7 The Down-Grade and Its Lessons 161
8 Free Grace and the Down-Grade in Perspective 177
9 ‘Though the Heavens Fall’ 205
10 The Aftermath at the Metropolitan Tabernacle 221
Appendix: An Open Letter 253
Index 265


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Life of John Murray Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 A biography of Professor John Murray (1898–1975). 240pp. Illustrated.

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Book Description

Professor John Murray was recognized in his own lifetime as one of the leading Reformed theologians in the English-speaking world. Born in Scotland, he served in France during the First World War, before pursuing studies, first at the University of Glasgow, and then at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA. In 1929 he was invited to teach Systematic Theology at Princeton, and did so for one year, before joining the Faculty of the newly formed Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. There he shared with such scholars and Christian leaders as J. Gresham Machen and Cornelius Van Til in the great struggle to maintain the old Princeton tradition of theology, represented by the Hodges and B.B. Warfield.

John Murray remained at Westminster until his retirement in 1966. He returned to his native Scotland, married and enjoyed a brief period of fatherhood prior to his death in 1975.

A careful scholar, and eloquent lecturer, a moving preacher, and the author of many outstanding articles and books, Murray’s driving passions were to declare Christ’s Word, advance his cause, and bless his people.

The Life of John Murray, published originally to accompany the four volumes of his Collected Writings, is now available again separately in this popular reset edition.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface vii
10 ‘THE NEW WORK’ 181
Illustrations: between pp 118 and 119

Related Interest

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The Puritan Hope Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 Subtitled ‘Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy’, this is a study of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the Christian’s hope in this world, in the prospect of the triumph of the gospel. 328pp. Illustrated.

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Book Description

Today the Church’s hope in respect to her mission of discipling all nations is in eclipse. The world gives Christianity no future and evangelicals themselves doubt whether the cause of Christ can ever attain to a greater triumph before his Second Advent. Must the prospects for succeeding generations be darker than those of today? Can we even expect any period of history to intervene before the Advent of Christ? How can readiness for Christ’s coming be consistent with the belief that revivals are yet to be given to the Church? Such questions are brought to the fore in this book and the author, employing both exposition of Scripture and much historical and biographical material, sets out the case for believing that it is not ‘orthodox’ to indulge in gloom over the prospect for Christianity in the world.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction xiii
1 Revival Christianity: England 1
2 Revival Christianity: Scotland 19
3 Unfulfilled Prophecy: The Development of the Hope 37
4 Apostolic Testimony: The Basis of the Hope 57
5 The Hope and Puritan Piety 85
6 The Eighteenth-Century Awakening: The Hope Revived 107
7 World Missions: The Hope Spreading 129
8 The Hope and Scotland’s Missionaries 167
9 The Eclipse of the Hope 195
10 Christ’s Second Coming: The Best Hope 219
11 The Prospect in History: Christ our Hope 233
John Howe on The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 255
C. H. Spurgeon’s Views on Prophecy 273
Notes 285
Index 313
Index to Scripture References 325



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Reformation Of The Church Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues’ with introductory notes. 416pp.

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Book Description

The nature and life of the church is one of the most crucial issues facing Christians in the closing years of the twentieth century. Questions of ministry and liturgy, authority and freedom, appear in a wide variety of guises throughout the world-wide church. Relativism and uncertainty seem to be as common in the church as in the world. Many Christians wonder whether there is any way forward.

In this context, The Reformation of the Church is an invaluable aid. An anthology of documents, drawn largely but not exclusively from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it presents in a readily accessible form the finest thinking of the reformed fathers on authority and freedom, the need for reformation, the nature of the government, unity and membership of the church of Jesus Christ.

Warmly welcomed when first published in 1965, and widely use since then, these documents provide invaluable material for ministers, elders, leaders, students and all Christians who are concerned to see Christ’s church fulfill her God-given role at a critical juncture in her history.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1. Liberation from Human Authority 30
Martin Luther
 2. The Reformers and the Regulative Principle 38
William Cunningham
 3. The Regulative Principle and Things Indifferent 55
John Hooper
4. The Abolition of Vestments 63
John a Lasco
 5. Scripture and the Ordering of Worship 75
 1. The Necessity for Reformation: The Admonition to Parliament 1572 85
Thomas Wilcox
 2. Concerning a National Church 99
William Ames
3. The Relation of Church and State 107
Charles Hodge
 4. Episcopacy: The Petition for the Prelates Examined 127
 5. The Grounds of Nonconformity 151
Edmund Calamy
 1. The Book of Discipline 1587 178
 2. A True Description of the Visible Church 1589 196
Henry Barrow
 3. The Form of Presbyterial Church Government 1645 207
Westminster Divines
 4. The Cambridge Platform 1648 234
 5. The Savoy Platform 1658 276
 6. The Difference between Independency and Presbytery 285
Jeremiah Burroughs
 7. A Presbyterian View of the Difference with Independency 294
 8. The Heads of Agreement 1691 301
 1. The Way to Peace 314
Walter Cradock
 2. What We Are to Bear with in Others 326
Jeremiah Burroughs
 3. Union among Protestants 345
John Owen
 4. The Scandal of Division among the Godly 358
James Durham
 1. The Church Membership of Children 383
Thomas Shepard
 2. Episcopalian Writers on Church Government 410


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Spurgeon vs. Hyper-Calvinism Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 Elaborates the issues involved in ‘The Battle for Gospel Preaching’ between Spurgeon and fellow Baptists of Hyper-Calvinistic views. 184pp.

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Book Description

C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) is best-remembered today for the remarkable ministry he exercised in London during the Victorian era. His influence was incalculable. Thousands listened to his preaching every week. While hundreds of thousands throughout the world later read his sermons in published form. A man of great natural gifts, charm and wit, Spurgeon’s master passion was evident in everything he did – to preach Jesus Christ to all as the only Saviour. But as early as 1855 this brought him into a serious and prolonged doctrinal controversy with Hyper-Calvinism. By tracing this conflict, exploring the issues involved in it and showing what was at stake in them, Iain Murray underlines the contemporary relevance and importance of sharing Spurgeon’s convictions.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface ix
1 A Life of Testimony to the Word of God 3
2 An Impression of Spurgeon in Early Years by F. Curtis 27
3 The Combatants and the Cause of the Controversy 33
4 The Case Against Spurgeon 45
5 Spurgeon’s Fourfold Appeal to Scripture 59
6 The Aftermath 89
7 Lessons from the Conflict 97
8 Two Illustrations — John Gill and William Huntington 111
9 The Warrant of Faith — John Brown 125
10 Free-Agency and God’s Desire for the Salvation of All — T. J. Crawford 129
11 A Crucial Text — C. H. Spurgeon on 1 Timothy 2:3, 4 135
12 The Injury Done by Hyper-Calvinism and Antinomianism— Words of Witness from Spurgeon 141
A Diagram of English Baptist History by Robert W Oliver 145
Index 149

Jeff Kingswood – The Importance of Iain Murray’s Spurgeon Vs. Hyper-Calvinism


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The Undercover Revolution Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 Looks at ‘How Fiction Changed Britain’ in late Victorian and Edwardian times. The second part of the book is a defence of the truth of Christianity. 112pp.

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Book Description

Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain saw a mega-change in reading habits. For the first time fiction took the primary place in book publishing, and the medium was taken up by brilliant and entertaining authors with an agenda for ‘a brave new world’. Such men as Thomas Hardy, H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw were the opinion makers for coming generations. ‘With the next phase of Victorian fiction’, wrote G. K. Chesterton, ‘we enter a new world; the later, more revolutionary, more continental, freer but in some ways weaker world in which we live today.’

Chesterton did not live to see the full consequences of the change but W.R. Inge predicted what was coming when he wrote:
No God. No Country. No family. Refusal to serve in war. Free love. More play. Less work. No punishments. Go as you please. It is difficult to imagine any programme which, if carried out, would be more utterly ruinous to a country situated as Great Britain is today.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface vii
1 Introduction 3
2 Robert Louis Stevenson 9
3 Thomas Hardy 27
4 The Novelists Multiply 49
5 General Lessons 59
6 Is Christianity Fiction? 79
Index 97

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D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 This authorised biography traces the story of the ‘Doctor’ from a Harley Street medical practice to ministry in an impoverished Welsh mining town, the pulpit of Westminster Chapel and a worldwide influence. 416 & 856pp.

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‘If D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ life were a novel it would be panned by critics as too unrealistic. Because his life is a historical reality we are left to wonder at the providential energy that could have effected such an astonishing career. . . This book is an electrifying apologetic for the powerfully theologized pulpit emphases of the Reformers and Puritans.’ — CHRISTIANITY TODAY

‘This provides great encouragement and instruction for pastors seeking a ministry given to scriptural and doctrinal edification of the Bride of Christ.’ — TOM NETTLES

‘The two-volume biography of Martyn Lloyd- Jones, the most powerful twentieth-century influence on my life.’ — MICHAEL HAYKIN

Book Description

When Martyn Lloyd-Jones, physician, preacher and Christian Leader, died in 1981, after more then 40 years in London, few knew the remarkable story of his formative earlier years which, in the authorised biography, is now told for the first time. From his rural Welsh background to St Bartholomew’s Hospital (where at the age of 23 he was Chief Clinical Assistant to Sir Thomas Horder, the King’s Physician), then, suddenly at 27, to a struggling Calvinistic Methodist Church in Aberavon, South Wales, he appears successively as schoolboy, dairyman’s assistant, political enthusiast, debater, doctor, and finally Christian preacher.

Some regarded his change of career as romantic, others as foolish. The one thing of which Dr Lloyd-Jones was sure was that his settlement amid the industrial depression of South Wales was no sacrifice: ‘I gave up nothing. I received everything. I count it the highest honour God can confer on any man to call to be herald of the gospel’

This volume traces the unforgettable events of his first pastorate, his wider ministry in Wales (where, by 1933, the press reported, ‘he draws thousands to hear his message in all parts of the Principality’), his first visits to North America, and finally his settlement at Westminster Chapel, London,on the eve of World War II. While some saw him as ‘the modern Moody’, and others as ‘the last of the Calvinistic preachers’, Iain H. Murray’s work makes constant use of the hitherto unpublished material, and is able to present Dr Lloyd-Jones’ own view of his life and ministry.


Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction xi
I ‘A Welshman Now’ 1
2 Schooldays: Tregaron and London 21
3 The World of Medicine 43
4 ‘All Things New’ 57
5 The Call to the Ministry 81
6 Aberavon 113
7 A Different Preaching 131
8 Early Days at Sandfields 153
9 A Leader without a Party 179
10 Revival 203
11 The Church Family 229
12 Enlarged Work 249
13 In North America 269
14 The Pauline Note 285
15 Mainly through Welsh Eyes 307
16 Leaving Aberavon 327
17 Wales or Westminster? 345
18 The First Year’s Work in England 357
Appendix: In Memoriam – A Tribute to Henry Lloyd-Jones 379
Index 383

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D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 This authorised biography traces the story of the ‘Doctor’ from a Harley Street medical practice to ministry in an impoverished Welsh mining town, the pulpit of Westminster Chapel and a worldwide influence. 416 & 856pp.

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‘If D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ life were a novel it would be panned by critics as too unrealistic. Because his life is a historical reality we are left to wonder at the providential energy that could have effected such an astonishing career. …This book is an electrifying apologetic for the powerfully theologized pulpit emphases of the Reformers and Puritans.’ — CHRISTIANITY TODAY

‘This provides great encouragement and instruction for pastors seeking a ministry given to scriptural and doctrinal edification of the Bride of Christ.’ — TOM NETTLES

‘The two-volume biography of Martyn Lloyd- Jones, the most powerful twentieth-century influence on my life.’ — MICHAEL HAYKIN

Book Description

The ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel which began at the outbreak of World War II, was suddenly changed at the point at which this volume begins. His hard work in the difficult War and post-War years became the preparation for his great influence in London in the fifties and sixties. But these pages trace his ministry into wider circles – to the Universities, to Europe, the United States, South Africa and ultimately, in his books, to the whole world.

While Dr Lloyd-Jones’ ministry was thus altering the course of things in the Christian world, other powerful changes were also at work. Ecumenism stirred the declining British churches and found evangelicalism unprepared and uncertain in its response. Crusade evangelism and then the charismatic movement brought additional uncertainties. These things inevitably drew Lloyd-Jones into controversy and, with a new toleration appearing with evangelicalism, his voice was no longer as welcome as it had once been. Many were unready to believe, as he did, that the popular adjustments being made by evangelicals were only substitutes for the true awakening so profoundly needed.

This volume contains much source material now in print for the first time and will be a primary text on evangelicalism in the twentieth century. At all vital points Iain Murray, the authorised biographer, is able to give his subjects own understanding of what happened. But neither public ministry nor controversy dominate the story. There is much on Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ personal life. The foremost impression left is of the overruling of divine providence and of the spiritual grace which shown in him as a Christian. Though in the eyes of the other Christians he was ‘full of faith and of the Holy Spirit’, yet in his own eyes he was, ‘ nothing but an old sinner saved by the grace of God’.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Abbreviations x
Illustrations xi
Biographical Table xv
Introduction xix
A Decade of Surprises, 1939-49
1 War 3
2 The Message for the Hour 21
3 Inside the Family 37
4 A Leader in Britain 57
5 New Agencies 81
6 Westminster Chapel, 1943-44 99
7 The Year 1945 125
8 Overseas Visits, 1946-48 143
9 The Rebuilding of a Congregation 161
10 ‘Last of the Calvinistic Preachers’ 183
11 Wales and the Summer of 1949 201
When the Tide Turned, the 1950’s
12 A New Generation and New Thought 225
13 Sunday Mornings in the 1950’s 251
14 Summer Travels 275
15 The Changing Religious Scene 297
16 Evangelism 323
17 ‘Great Purposes of Grace’ 345
18 1959 and the Burden for Revival 369
19 The Ministry of Others 391
20 Pastoral Counselling 403
Sifting Times
21 Unity: Ecumenical or Evangelical? 427
22 Conversations and Journeys 453
23 Cross Winds 473
24 1965: The Approaching Crisis 495
25 1966: The Call to Decision 513
26 Controversy 535
27 Controversy: An Assessment 553
28 The End of an Era 569
Working for an Evangelical Succession
29 The Last Visit to America 599
30 A World Pulpit 629
31 Understanding in the 1970’s 655
32 ‘Rejoice in the Lord Always’ 673
33 A Pastor of Pastors 697
34 Keeping On 715
35 ‘Dying … He Worshipped’ 729
36 ‘The Best of Men … ’ 753
1 A Personal Letter 781
2 Miraculous Healing 785
3 Dr Lloyd-Jones on Audio 789
4 Dr James Packer and Anglican Evangelicalism 793
5 Tapes 797
6 Bibliography of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 799
Index 811

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D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:00 +0000 This authorised biography traces the story of the ‘Doctor’ from a Harley Street medical practice to ministry in an impoverished Welsh mining town, the pulpit of Westminster Chapel and a worldwide influence. 416 & 856pp.

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‘If D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ life were a novel it would be panned by critics as too unrealistic. Because his life is a historical reality we are left to wonder at the providential energy that could have effected such an astonishing career. . . This book is an electrifying apologetic for the powerfully theologized pulpit emphases of the Reformers and Puritans.’– CHRISTIANITY TODAY

‘This provides great encouragement and instruction for pastors seeking a ministry given to scriptural and doctrinal edification of the Bride of Christ.’ — TOM NETTLES

‘The two-volume biography of Martyn Lloyd- Jones, the most powerful twentieth-century influence on my life.’ — MICHAEL HAYKIN

Book Description

When Martyn Lloyd-Jones, physician, preacher and Christian Leader, died in 1981, after more then 40 years in London, few knew the remarkable story of his formative earlier years which, in the authorised biography, is now told for the first time. From his rural Welsh background to St Bartholomew’s Hospital (where at the age of 23 he was Chief Clinical Assistant to Sir Thomas Horder, the King’s Physician), then, suddenly at 27, to a struggling Calvinistic Methodist Church in Aberavon, South Wales, he appears successively as schoolboy, dairyman’s assistant, political enthusiast, debater, doctor, and finally Christian preacher.

Some regarded his change of career as romantic, others as foolish. The one thing of which Dr Lloyd-Jones was sure was that his settlement amid the industrial depression of South Wales was no sacrifice: ‘I gave up nothing. I received everything. I count it the highest honour God can confer on any man to call to be herald of the gospel’.

Volume 1 traces the unforgettable events of his first pastorate, his wider ministry in Wales (where, by 1933, the press reported, ‘he draws thousands to hear his message in all parts of the Principality’), his first visits to North America, and finally his settlement at Westminster Chapel, London,on the eve of World War II. While some saw him as ‘the modern Moody’, and others as ‘the last of the Calvanistic preachers’, Iain H. Murray’s work makes constant use of the hitherto unpublished material, and is able to present Dr Lloyd-Jones’ own view of his life and ministry.

Volume 2 contains much source material now in print for the first time and will be a primary text on evangelicalism in the twentieth century. At all vital points Iain Murray, the authorised biographer, is able to give his subjects own understanding of what happened. But neither public ministry nor controversy dominate the story. There is much on Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ personal life. The foremost impression left is of the overruling of divine providence and of the spiritual grace which shown in him as a Christian. Though in the eyes of the other Christians he was ‘full of faith and of the Holy Spirit’, yet in his own eyes he was, ‘ nothing but an old sinner saved by the grace of God’.


The Single-Mindedness of the Ministry of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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Jonathan Edwards Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Edwards’ theology is here set in its proper context of his life. We see him in public and private, as pastor in the days of the Great Awakening, as well as in the ‘wilderness’ years in Stockbridge. 536pp. Illustrated.

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‘No man is more relevant to the present conditions of Christianity than Jonathan Edwards. . .He was a mighty theologian and a great evangelist at the same time. If you want to know anything about true revival, Edwards is the man to consult. My advice is, read Jonathan Edwards. Go back to something solid and deep and real’. — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES

Book Description

When it first appeared in 1987, this book was the first full-length life of Jonathan Edwards to appear for almost fifty years. In the meantime the Pastor of Northampton, Missionary to the Indians in Stockbridge, and President of the New Jersey College (later Princeton) has been increasingly recognized as the greatest intellectual figure in eighteenth-century America.

Never before has so much material by Edwards or such detailed studies of his thought been available. Yet many of those who have led this renaissance of Edwards studies remain personally out of sympathy with almost every one of their subject’s personal convictions.

Special interest therefore attaches to Iain H. Murrary’s carefully-researched biography. Writing with the easy style, spiritual insight and sympathy with his subject which marks his other biographical works, Murray builds on the older lives of Edwards, but also harvests material from more recent studies.

Iain Murray believes that Edwards cannot be understood apart from his faith. Only when seen first and foremost as a Christian do his life and writings make sense. The integrity of this interpretation is confirmed in this study as Edwards is allowed on point after point to speak for himself.

The result is a biography which is both factually and theologically reliable. Edwards’ theology is set in the context of his everyday life in public and private. His family relationships punctuate the narrative, adding both interest and pathos. This outstanding study is not only an exceptional biography; it also serves as a classic illustration of how the church today can and should learn from its past history.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface xi
Introduction: On Understanding Edwards xix
1 The Son of East Windsor 1
2 ‘That New Sense of Things’ 23
3 New York: The Pursuit of Holiness 39
4 Tutor at Yale 57
5 Stoddard and Northampton 75
6 The Green Valley of Humiliation 97
7 The Breaking of the Spirit of Slumber 113
8 ‘Thirteen Hours, Every Day’ 135
9 The Great Awakening 153
10 Personal Portraits 177
11 Division and Disorder 201
12 The Defence of Experimental Religion 231
13 ‘The Religious Affections’ 249
14 Changes at Northampton and Beyond 269
15 The International Union and Missionary Vision 289
16 The Communion Controversy 311
17 Behind the Controversy 331
18 Removal 351
19 Strife in a Frontier Village 371
20 Missionary to the Indians 385
21 Through Esther’s Eyes 399
22 ‘My God Lives’ 421
23 The Continuing Ministry 443
1: Edwards’ Published Writings
(a) During his Lifetime 475
(b) Major Posthumous Publications 478
(c) Collected Works 479
2: The Edwards’ Manuscripts 481
3: A Letter of Sarah Edwards, 1750 485
4: An Anecdote on Whitefield and ‘the Witness of the Holy Spirit’ 489
Index 491



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The Invitation System Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Should preachers ask for a public response in evangelistic meetings? 44pp.

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Book Description

In the controversy arising from the promotion of this method, three main reasons have been put forward in its defence; the argument from Scripture, the ‘psychological argument’ which asserts the helpfulness of a public response to the individual, and a general argument as to its evangelistic effectiveness. In this booklet Iain Murray, himself an evangelical minister, examines the validity of these arguments and questions whether they can satisfactorily answer counter-arguments from Scripture and experience.

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The Psalter Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Shows that Psalms set to music are a rich heritage and one not to be set aside, but there are biblical reasons why it is a mistake to suppose that the words of the Old Testament alone are to be used in sung praise. 32pp.

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Book Description

Should the Psalter be the only hymnal of the church? Iain Murray has sympathy with the question. Psalms set to music are a rich heritage and one not to be set aside, yet he argues that there are biblical reasons why it is a mistake to suppose that the words of the Old Testament alone are to be used in the singing of praise.

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Rest in God Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Subtitled ‘A Calamity in Contemporary Christianity’, shows that a day specially set apart has come down from creation, and in essence its meaning has not changed. 40pp.

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Book Description

Of all the Commandments, perhaps it is the fourth (to keep holy the day of rest) which is least regarded. From an unholy world this is not surprising. But why should it be so among many who believe the Bible is the Word of God? Because, it is alleged, the fourth commandment belonged to the Jewish dispensation. For Christians the seventh day has given way to ‘the Lord’s day’ — a day, not of continuing Sabbath law, but of joy in Christ’s resurrection. Iain Murray believes that this argument misses the foundation of the biblical teaching, namely, that a day specially set apart has come down from creation, and that in essence its meaning remains the same. This is a conviction that was once pervasive in the English-speaking churches, and, if it is true, it sheds a much needed light on our contemporary situation.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Is Genesis 2:3 for Us? 7
The Sabbath and Ceremonial Law 13
Calvin’s Correction 16
The New Testament and the Commandment 18
The Witness of History 26
Conclusions 30


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The Unresolved Controversy Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 An address summarizing the central theme of the author’s book Evangelicalism Divided. 32pp.

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‘Murray’s critique is as kind as it is revealing and devastating. The icons of modern evangelism are shown as falling into egregious strategic errors which have weakened the evangelical faith at its very core. The bridges built to reach the mainstream became a two-way street by which those who sought to influence the liberals were themselves influenced.’ — R. C. SPROUL

Book Description

In the discussion and controversy which followed the publication of Evangelicalism Divided: A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950-2000, the author was invited by Dr. John F. MacArthur to give an address on the book’s main theme. The following is the substance of that address, given at the Shepherds’ Conference on 11 March 2001.

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Archibald G. Brown Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 A biography of Archibald G. Brown (1844-1922), who built a church to seat 3000 in the East End of London while still in his twenties, led mission work among the poor, and was Co-pastor and then Pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, 1907-10. 432pp. Illustrated.

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‘He was a leader. He had initiative. He was original, and in certain ways had a touch of genius all his own.’ — H. H. TURNER

‘In addition to this pastoral work, Mr. Brown has probably done more service in preaching up and down the country than any other man.’– SIR ARTHUR BLACKWOOD, 1891

Book Description

Archibald G.Brown (1844-1922), instead of following his father to wealth in commerce and banking, built a church to hold 3,000 in the East End of London while still in his twenties. Five thousand eight hundred were to join in 30 years. Almost simultaneously he led mission work among the poor, being described by the Daily Telegraph newspaper as possessing ‘a larger practical acquaintance with the homes, and the social horrors of the foulest corners of the East of London than anyone who could well be cited.’

When his health demanded a change, AGB (as he was popularly known) served other churches, including the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, before a last decade of extensive travel with a temporary home in South Africa. After Spurgeon died (1892), Brown was a foremost leader among those for whom Christian preaching still meant ‘love, blood, and power’. It was written of him in 1913 No man of modern times, of his school of thought, can command larger audiences.’ Few spoke with more sympathy and tenderness, characteristics deepened by bereavements and the heart-felt realization that, ‘We have to perform our service in the same Spirit in which our Lord worked, and our measure of power will be according to the measure of Christ’s Spirit which we possess.’

After days of revival, AGB lived to see adverse changes in the churches. What a majority accepted as progress, he saw as apostasy, and as the Christian faith waned in Britain, his life came to be remembered by few. But truth that comes from Scripture cannot die. Those who read him today will find him alive, and his life opens a window on New Testament Christianity.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations ix
Preface xi
1 Browns, Browns, Browns 1
2 A New College and New Churches 25
3 An Awakening in Stepney Green 47
4 Converts and the Evangel 69
5 Family Partings 89
6 In the Midst of Sorrows 101
7 ‘Over the Water to Charlie’ 123
8 Can Faith Fail? 151
9 The Closing Years in East London 173
10 Visits to America and Palestine 197
11 In South London Again 211
12 The Unexpected at the Metropolitan Tabernacle 235
13 Being Faithful without Revival 257
14 Apostasy and Calvinism 275
15 World Traveller 305
16 The Man and the Preacher 335
1 Sermons of Archibald G. Brown 369
2 Family Tree of Archibald G. Brown 373
3 Musical Instruments in Worship 375
4 AGB’s Sermon Notes on Luke 9:26 393
5 Later History of the East London Tabernacle and the Metropolitan Tabernacle 395
Index 397


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Evangelicalism Divided Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 A penetrating review of 50 years of crucial change in evangelical attitudes and alignments, 1950–2000. 352pp.

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘Murray’s critique is as kind as it is revealing and devastating. The icons of modern evangelism are shown as falling into egregious strategic errors which have weakened the evangelical faith at its very core. The bridges built to reach the mainstream became a two-way street by which those who sought to influence the liberals were themselves influenced.’ — R. C. SPROUL

‘Iain Murray’s startling analysis of the rift of modern evangelicalism is both informative and insightful. I share his concerns. I also appreciate his courage and his clarity. This is a much-needed word of exhortation to the church of our generation. It’s one of the best and most eye-opening books I have read in years.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR

‘The book is a page turner from first to last. . . It left me asking “Has the last fifty years seen evangelicals broaden the road to the extent that the Christian message is compromised and uncertain?”‘ — PETER BRECKWOLDT (Church of England Newspaper)

‘Iain Murray’s historical overview of the fortunes and misfortunes of evangelical Christianity, especially in England, between 1950 and the century’s end-time, will stir up both an approving and a dissenting readership. But no one can contend that it ignores some of the most vital theological issues of the time and the conflicts surrounding them. The narrative is well documented, and it details not only conflicts of perspective but inconsistencies and alterations of views by some of the leading participants in the events of the day. The names best known to Americans — Billy Graham, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, James Packer, John Stott among them — are evaluated, commended and critiqued as contributory to the present-day evangelical outlook and predicament.’ — CARL F.H. HENRY

Book Description

Why has Christian unity proved to be such a divisive topic? In the 1950s two movements — evangelicalism and ecumenism — offered differing paths to unity in the church. But as the decades have passed the influence of ecumenism has exposed a fault line in evangelicalism. Questions of critical importance have been brought to the surface: Is the gospel broader than evangelicals have historically insisted? Can there be unity with non-evangelicals in evangelism and church leadership? Does the gospel have priority over denominational loyalty?

These gained high profile in the crusades led by Dr. Billy Graham on both sides of the Atlantic, and in the subsequent interaction among evangelicals in North America and Europe. At first a new policy of ‘co-operation without compromise’ promised an ‘evangelical renaissance’. Those who feared an inevitable devaluation of the gospel were viewed as destined for the kind of isolation to which fundamentalism had been consigned earlier in the century.

Evangelicalism Divided traces the fascinating saga of the personalities, institutions and publications involved in this fifty-year period. Iain Murray’s account is not simply a black and white narrative. But using the mass of sources now available he shows how the new policy involved concessions which seriously weakened biblical Christianity. The first and greatest need, he argues, is to answer the most fundamental and divisive question of all: What is a Christian?


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Heroes Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Iain Murray writes on specific aspects of some of the Christians he particularly admires from past years. Most space is given to little-known figures, such as Robert Kalley and William Hewitson, missionaries to Madeira, and Charles and Mary Colcock Jones of Georgia. 320pp.

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Book Description

The Bible no more knows a separate class of heroes than it does of saints. Because of Jesus Christ, every Christian is extraordinary and attains to glory. Yet grace so shines in some, that it lightens the path of many. As A. W. Tozer could write, ‘Next to the Holy Scriptures, the greatest aid to the life of faith may be Christian biographies’.

Iain Murray has already written on a number of Christians he specially admires. A few of them return to these pages, but with special reference to their thought — George Whitefield on Christian unity, for example. Most space, however, is given to little-known figures, including Robert Kalley and William Hewitson who shared in ‘the greatest happening in modern missions’, and to Charles and Mary Colcock Jones who took much-loved slaves with them to heaven.

There is much new research in these pages, and reminders of how much is missed by those who fail to read of the work of God in history. Christians who know what Christ did ‘yesterday’ are energized to trust and serve him today.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword ix
List of Illustrations xv
Index of Persons and Places Mentioned 297


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John MacArthur Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 A biography of the pastor for more than forty years of Grace Community Church, Los Angeles. John MacArthur has proved that true preaching of the Word of God is international, and his sermons are heard or read in more than two hundred countries around the world. 264pp. Illustrated.

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘I heartily commend this book. Add it to your summer reading or your list of biographies worth enjoying.’ — THABITI ANYABWILE

‘John MacArthur is that increasingly rare phenomenon: the pastor of a large church who does not appear to care particularly about what the wider world thinks of him. He is also a man who has pastored his church for many decades. Frankly, he is also the kind of man you want on your side in a fight: apparently fearless and utterly reliable. As such, he is surely a great role model for younger pastors. MacArthur is simply not one to be swayed by the spirit of the age. This book by Iain Murray is a fine tribute to the man, giving the reader some idea of what it means to be an undershepherd who strives to remain faithful to his LORD over many years of ministry. This is a great little book for pastors and aspiring pastors, and will be read with great profit by any who pick it up.’ — CARL TRUEMAN

‘I heartily recommend the reading of this book to any Christian. It would be a good gift for any young man called to the ministry or for any pastor.’ — MACK TOMLINSON

‘Speaking personally, I can attest that I enjoyed this book thoroughly. It moved me to praise and gratitude—gratitude to God for blessing the church with this man whose ministry has so powerfully impacted not only the thousands who call him pastor, but the millions who have encountered him largely or exclusively through his books, his sermons or his radio program.’ — TIM CHALLIES

‘The life of John MacArthur is quite an eye-opener on contemporary Christianity in the USA. A prolific author who received national or even international attention in the controversy that a book of his commenced on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Who was he? What was his background? How did he build up this mega-church in Los Angeles? Could a commitment to the doctrines of grace be so blessed not just with the growth of a congregation but a growing seminary and college, and the professions of faith of multitudes of people? How is it that this church sells more free grace books than almost any other in the world? Iain Murray answers many of these questions in this sparkling volume.’ — GEOFF THOMAS

‘As a college student in the 1970’s, John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse expository ministry had a life-changing and ministry-shaping impact on my life. Iain Murray’s biography of MacArthur is an inspiration to all who are eager to learn how God can use a simple biblical ministry to build Christ’s gospel kingdom.’ — TERRY JOHNSON

‘In classic Murray style, the spiritual pulse-beat of MacArthur’s life and ministry is carefully narrated in this fast-paced biographical study. Sympathetic in portrayal, while at points graciously critical, Murray’s biography offers the first-ever account of MacArthur’s life, theological convictions, and principled churchmanship as it has come to expression in his calling as a husband, father, pastor, preacher, author, and educator. Murray’s work is an indispensable guide for those wishing to learn more about a man whose life has been devoted to the faithful preaching and application of God’s word in our generation.’ — JAMES M. GARRETSON

‘Some of my doctrinal commitments as a Reformed and Presbyterian minister will differ from John MacArthur’s. Nevertheless, there is much to learn from his extraordinary life and ministry. Indeed, I am grateful for his decades-long, no-frills, steadfast example of pastoral ministry , especially his commitment to, and confidence in, the preaching of God’s holy and efficacious Word. John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock is yet another outstanding biography from one of finest Christian biographers of our time.’ — JON PAYNE

‘A great contemporary piece on a champion of God’s word today.’ — MARK DEVER

Book Description

Through more than forty years, John MacArthur has opened and taught the Word of God in one local congregation, Grace Community Church, Los Angeles. Consequences have followed which no one anticipated, and which the preacher attributes to ‘the sovereign hand of God’. A people united to Christ, and to their pastor, became a channel for blessing across the earth. It has been a ministry marked by characteristics that re-appear in every spiritual advance- not concern for ‘relevance’; not special attractions for young or old, male or female; but love for God and dependence on his Word and promises. MacArthur has proved, without ever intending to do so, that true preaching of the Word of God is international, ‘because if you teach the Bible it transcends every border, every language, every culture. It is as relevant today, and will be tomorrow, as in all the years since God put it down.’ That is why his sermons are heard or read in more than two hundred countries around the world today.

But this is also a human story, including the shaping of his youth, the strength of marriage and family, the refining influence of trials and controversies, and the building of a man whose staff have never known him to be angry. There are friends who, for all their love of his ministry, say his life is his best sermon.


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The Cross Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Helps us to think through the message of the cross, and to appreciate God’s love and justice in the death of Christ. 48pp.

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Book Description

The atonement is the centre of the Christian faith and of the work of the gospel ministry. The purpose of gospel preaching is to make known what God has done in the cross of Jesus Christ. The evangel is ‘the preaching of the cross’ (1 Cor. 1:18).

If this was apostolic Christianity then we must examine ourselves as to whether our emphasis corresponds with it. Is the cross central to the message we preach in our evangelism?

But how are we to preach the cross? Does our preaching resemble that of the NT apostles? Does it match the passionate freeness with which the church’s greatest evangelists preached the cross to needy sinners?

In this booklet, Iain Murray helps us to think through the message of the cross, to appreciate God’s love and justice in the death of Christ, and to grasp the truth afresh that ‘by Christ crucified the love of God and his willingness to save is to be made known to all people.’

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The Life of Arthur W. Pink Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 The heart-stirring and compelling story of a strong and complex character—a ‘Mr Valiant-for-truth’ who was also a humble Christian. A revised and enlarged edition of Murray’s original 1981 biography. 368pp.

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‘We do not idolize him. But we do recognize him as a very unique man of God who can teach us through his pen and through his life. He was truly “born to write” and all the circumstances of his life, even the negative ones he did not understand, propelled him to the fulfilment of that God-ordained purpose.’ — RICHARD P. BELCHER

Book Description

Pink’s biography, first written by Iain Murray in 1981, is here revised and enlarged with the benefit of new material, including some of Pink’s own re-discovered manuscripts. It is the heart-stirring and compelling story of a strong, complex character — a ‘Mr Valiant-for-truth’ who was also a humble Christian.

In 1922 a small magazine — Studies in the Scriptures — began to circulate among Christians in the English-speaking world. It pointed its readership back to an understanding of the gospel that had rarely been heard since the days of C. H. Spurgeon. At the time it seemed as inconsequential as its author, but subsequently Arthur Pink’s writings became a major element in the recovery of expository preaching and biblical living.

Born in England in 1886, A. W. Pink was the little-known pastor of churches in the United States and Australia before he finally returned to his homeland in 1934. There he died almost unnoticed in 1952. By that date, however, his magazine was feeding several of the men who were leading a return to doctrinal Christianity, including Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Douglas Johnson (founder of Inter-Varsity) and, in book form after his death, his writing became very widely read across the world.

Book Review

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Lloyd-Jones Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Concentrates on the themes of true preaching, the place of full assurance of salvation, and Lloyd-Jones’ understanding of the church. With new material, and an audio CD of Lloyd-Jones preaching. 288pp.

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Book Description

‘With the death of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones the most powerful and persuasive evangelical voice in Britain for some 30 years is now silent.’ So began an obituary for The Times in March 1981, written by John R.W. Stott. That Britain’s leading newspaper declined to accept the obituary was hardly surprising; the preacher at Westminster Chapel was scarcely in step with the celebrities of his age. But it is with more current assessments of Lloyd-Jones that this book engages. For some, he speaks directly to the current church situation. Dr. Mark Dever, of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C., could say in 2007, ‘Martyn Lloyd-Jones is one of the men I admire most from the 20th century, and the longer time goes on, my admiration of him increases. He had a more profound spiritual vision than anyone else I know.’

Iain Murray is not here repeating biography but concentrating on three themes he regards as of major significance.

  • On the first of these-the nature of true preaching- there is fresh insight on what Lloyd-Jones regarded as of paramount importance. The analysis distinguishes between what was true of Lloyd-Jones as an individual and what is the permanent essence of powerful preaching.
  • The second theme concerns the place that full assurance of salvation must have if Christianity is to be vibrant and persuasive.
  • The third addresses the claim that Lloyd-Jones’s understanding of the New Testament church was needlessly divisive.

There is new material here, including some pages where the author differs with his friend. But Murray seeks to follow Lloyd-Jones in seeing the glory of God as the end of all Christian life and thought.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface xi
Part 1 1
1 The Lloyd-Jones Legacies 3
2 Preaching and the Holy Spirit 29
3 The Evangelistic Use of the Old Testament 55
4 Skeletons in the Cupboard 85
5 Raising the Standard of Preaching: Notes of a Memorable Address 99
6 Lloyd-Jones and Spurgeon Compared 109
7 A Controversial Book: Joy Unspeakable: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit 127
8 ‘The Lost Leader’ or ‘A Prophetic Voice’? 165
Part 2
9 The End of the Puritan Conference: Lloyd-Jones to Packer 205
10 Some Convictions of Lloyd-Jones in Miniature 209
11 Inventory of the Lloyd-Jones Sermons 227
12 An Analysis of the Sermons on Ephesians 245
13 Is the Reformation Over? A Review 257
Authors and Sources Cited 269


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Old Evangelicalism Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Iain Murray draws on the best authors from the old evangelicalism to present ‘Old Truths for a New Awakening.’ 240pp.

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘This is a good book, and the truths it proclaims are urgently needed for our day when Evangelicalism is in a state of theological free fall and utterly unsure of its identity. Here, we have for us what that identity looked like in the past so as to guide readers into biblical living in the present.’ — MICHAEL A. G. HAYKIN

‘It is always very profitable to read any book by Iain Murray. This one is no exception. Every minister or Christian worker should read everything he has ever written. Accordingly, I could wish that every preacher, pastor, missionary, and Christian worker could have [Old Evangelicalism] placed in their hands.’ — MACK TOMLINSON

‘The chief dangers that confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God and heaven without hell.’ — WILLIAM BOOTH

‘In 1901 the Salvation Army General, William Booth, was asked about the chief dangers for the 20th century, and he replied: “Religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” According to Iain, the Arminian Booth got it tragically right.

Iain Murray tackles the issues of the need for conviction of sin in conversion, the imputed righteousness of Christ, the love of God seen in the cross, the general love of God for all, assurance of salvation, and Christian unity. The approach is more historical and pastoral than expositional, but the result is a balanced and fair treatment of each of the issues raised.

Murray has worked from a goldmine of quotations that should stimulate the reader’s thinking. Thomas Robinson wrote that “sin is nowhere seen so terrible, nor the law so inflexible, as in the cross of Christ”. God’s attitude to sin can be seen in the law, but even more graphically, in the cross. Yet the cross is also described by Augustine as “a pulpit in which Christ preached his love to the world”. Indeed, “Rabbi” Duncan speaks of God’s love for the lost in a most striking way: “Men evangelised cannot go to hell but over the bowels of God’s great mercies. They must wade to it through the blood of Christ.”

There is an interesting and helpful chapter on “What can we learn from John Wesley?” Such is the appreciation that Iain has come to of Wesley that he once exchanged a fine china figure of Wesley for a second-hand set of Daniel Neal’s History of the Puritans, and now regrets it. I rather think that he got the better of the deal, but it is true that Wesley deserves his due. This volume has much to commend it, and deserves to be widely read, digested, and re-read.’ — PETER BARNES

‘Orthodox Presbyterian pastors and people in the pew should read this book to sharpen their understanding of Calvinism compared with the approach of the new evangelicalism.’ — MARK R. BROWN in NEW HORIZONS

‘Iain Murray’s writings are always stimulating. He has an excellent, clear, English style, is well-read in the best of theology, has travelled the world interacting with the leading Reformed thinkers, is now an old man of mature thought and yet has a liveliness and excitement in his Christianity.’ — FREE CHURCH WITNESS

Book Description

Sin, regeneration, justification by Christ’s righteousness, the cross, and the love of God, assurance of salvation – these are the truths that once thrilled churches and changed nations. Yet, where evangelicalism continues to affirm these truths, without such results, it is often assumed that she must have needs that cannot be met without something new.

These addresses by Iain Murray challenge that mindset. While the Bible not history is the textbook in these pages, Murray draws on the best authors of the old evangelicalism to confirm what a glorious message the gospel is.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Preface xi


No One Will Become Concerned about Himself until

He Learns about God

Under Conviction Individuals Commonly Endeavour a Change of Behaviour 9
By the Law Men Learn Their Helplessness 11
The Initial Need in Evangelism Is Not to Win an Acceptance for Christ 15
Regeneration and Conviction 18
Conclusions:  1. The Case Demonstrated by History 24
2. What Preachers Need 28
John Brown of Wamphray: What Preparation Is Not and What It Is 33
Thomas Scott: The Offence of the Cross Ceasing 35
Alexander Whyte: Preaching to the Conscience 36
D. M. Lloyd-Jones: The Law 37
Conversion, Profound and Mysterious 42
Where Conversion Has to Begin 46
How the Law Came to Be Put Aside 49
Why Law Preaching? 52
What is Regeneration? 54
Preaching for Conversion 60
Conclusions: 1. True gospel preaching is multi-faceted 64
2. When there is a wrong conversion model a sense of sin and the fear of God disappear 65
D. M. Lloyd-Jones: Evangelism and Conviction of Sin 69
A. W Tozer: ‘Conversion’ without Regeneration 70


The Importance of the Doctrine 73
All Mankind in Darkness 76
Why ‘the Righteousness of Christ’ is Good News 82
Imputation – the Old Testament Gospel 86
Conclusions: 1. The danger of modifying the doctrine 89
2. Justification not to be preached alone 90
3. The doctrine always in need of recovery 92
4. Justification opposes man’s root sin 94
5. The solution to contemporary weakness 95
George Herbert: Judgement 97
John Bunyan: My Righteousness in Heaven 97
Charles Simeon: Conversion Testimony 98
Martin Boos: Words He Never Forgot 99
Frances Ridley Havergal: Personal Testimony of 1864 99
Two Truths 106
At Calvary We Learn of Forgiveness Consistent with Holiness and Justice 108
By Christ Crucified the Love of God Is to Be Made Known to All People 110
Particular Love and General Love 115
Conclusions: 1. Not all truth is equally important 123
2. The unexplainable not to be ‘explained’ 124
3. The practical, not the theoretical, is


4. Care needed in controversy 127
5. The priority of love 127
John Calvin: Gospel Preaching 131
Thomas Chalmers: God Is Love 131
William Nevins: The Extent of the Atonement 132
John Bonar: The Universal Offer and the Compassion of God 132
Wesley Is a Necessary Reminder of How Upbringing and Education Prejudice Our Minds 139
Wesley Has Something to Teach Us on the Relationship between Zeal for the Gospel and Church Government, Procedures and Practices 143
In Wesley and Methodism We Are Taught that Persuasion of the Love of God for Men Makes Churches Truly Evangelistic 151
A Parallel Witness from Scotland 158
Wesley Challenges Us on the Focus of Our Doctrine of Sanctification 162
The Truth and Usefulness of Assurance 170
The Holy Spirit and Assurance 172
The Twofold Basis of Assurance 175
‘Legalism’ 179
A Third Way to Assurance? 181
Unbalanced Teaching 190
Conclusions: 1. Assurance and feelings 194
2. The non-Christian has no right to assurance 195
3. Assurance and service for Christ 196
4. The importance of assurance 198
Denominations and Unity 204
When Church and Denomination Are Confused 207
The Unity That Comes First 210
John Owen of Thrussington: Uniformity and Unity 215
William Gibson: Unity and the Holy Spirit 215
Index 217


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Pentecost – Today? Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Presents the biblical teaching on which our understanding of revival should be based. 240pp.

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‘One of the best treatments of revival and the power of the Holy Spirit I have ever come across. It most closely resembles my beliefs with regard to this doctrine.’ — PAUL WASHER

Book Description

‘It is noteworthy that there are more books describing revivals than there are those that deal with their biblical basis. That may be because to read about revivals is more pleasant, and initially, perhaps, more inspiring, than understanding the struggle to establish a biblical theology which explains and justifies the phenomenon. But in the long run it has to be the latter which is more important. This book aims to supply that lack.’ — IAIN MURRAY

Paul Washer on Pentecost Today

Table of Contents Expand ↓

A Caution over Terminology 2
Pentecost, Once and For All 7
Revival Conditional upon Obedience 8
Confusing Old and New Testaments 13
Revivals are Larger Measures of the Spirit of God 17
Consequences of the Three Views 25
A Vital Lesson 31
Life and Teaching 35
Finney’s Case Examined 43
Why the Old School Opposed Finney 49
Major Responsibilities – Conduct, Truth and Faith  56
The Place of Prayer 64
Sovereignty and Revival 70
Conclusions 74
Special Eras of Preaching 83
The Power of the Holy Spirit Makes the Truth Plain to Preacher and Hearer 87
The Power of the Holy Spirit is Evident in the Experience which He Gives of the Love of God 90
Conclusions 99
The Bible First 106
The Work of Christ 109
Diversity of Teaching on ‘Christ Baptizing with the Spirit’ 112
The Older Evangelical Teaching 117
Practical Consequences of Wrong Views 125
Conclusions 130
The Dangers of Fanaticism 136
Recognition of Fanaticism 144
Consequences of Fanaticism 151
Wales: 1904-5 153
Conclusions 164
Revival Restores Faith in the Word of God 171
Revival Restores Definiteness to the Meaning of ‘Christian’ 175
Revival Advances the Gospel with Amazing Swiftness 178
Revival Always Has Moral Impact upon Communities 180
Revival Changes Understanding of the Christian Ministry 184
Revival Will Change the Public Worship of the Churches 189
1. Extraordinary Gifts 197
2. Co-ordination of Grace and Duty 200
3. Presbyterian Doctrine on Regeneration, Inability and Free-Agency 212
Title Index 217
General Index 221




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Revival And Revivalism Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Subtitled ‘The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism 1750–1858’, this book traces the spiritually epoch-making events of the 18th and 19th centuries and rejects the frequent identification of ‘revival’ with ‘revivalism’. 480pp.

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‘In Revival & Revivalism Iain H. Murray has produced yet another historical study of outstanding quality. This is not merely a record of the church’s past. Rather, those who read it will soon realize that it provides a key to understanding contemporary evangelicalism and its deep needs. It may not be too much to claim that this volume is essential reading for Christians who desire true revival in the churches of our own day.’ — DR. SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

Book Description

Marrying careful historical research to popular and relevant presentation, Revival and Revivalism traces the spiritually epoch-making events of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through the eyes of those who lived at their centre.

Fundamental to the book’s thesis is a rejection of the frequent identification of ‘revival’ with ‘revivalism’. The author demonstrates that a common understanding of the New Testament idea of revival was prevalent in most denominations throughout the period 1750-1858. Revivalism, on the other hand, is different both in its origin and in its tendencies. Its ethos is mancentred and its methods too close to the manipulative to require a supernatural explanation.

Iain Murray argues that an inability to recognize this distinction has led many to ignore the new and different teaching on evangelism and revival which began to be popularized in the 1820s. While the case against that teaching was argued almost universally by the leaders of the Second Great Awakening their testimony was submerged beneath propaganda which promised a ‘new era’ if only the churches would abandon the older ways.

Today, when that propaganda is largely discredited, there is a great need to rediscover the earlier understanding of revival possessed by those who most intimately experienced it. Revival and Revivalism will do much to aid this rediscovery. Powerfully presented, it contains a message of major importance for contemporary Christians.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Introduction xiii
1 Samuel Davies and the Meaning of ‘Revival’ 1
2 Princeton and the First Fruits of ‘A Glorious Plan’ 33
3 Glory in Virginia 61
4 When Theology Took Fire 89
5 The Age of the Second Great Awakening 111
6 Kentucky: 1800 143
7 The Emergence of Revivalism 161
8 Five Leaders in the Northeast 191
9 ‘New Measures’ and Old Revivals? 223
10 Origins of a Great Division 253
11 ’The Illusion of a New Era’ 275
12 The Baptists in Transition 299
13 James Waddel Alexander and the New York Awakening of 1857-58 329
14 Old and New, Past and Future 355
1: Revivalism in Britain 391
2: Revivals in the South 415
Title Index 425
General Index 435


Revival and Revivalism in the Mission Field


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A Scottish Christian Heritage Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Murray explores Scotland’s rich Christian heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish Church history, A Scottish Christian Heritage is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. 416pp.

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‘As various recent publications have indicated, Scotland exercised an influence on world history out of all proportion to its size. But the real reason for this has been obscured. It will be found here, however. And in the discovery of it the reader will be introduced to a wealth of little-known literature that is a vital part of the inheritance of the whole Christian church.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

‘(Iain). . .as he typically does, brings out good lessons for Christians in all places, in all times. . . you not only get an encouraging short biography, but you get really important, true lessons about Gospel ministry in the local church.’ — MARK DEVER

Book Description

For 300 years a school of evangelical Christianity changed Scotland as a nation. Passing on the evangel of the Reformation, and growing stronger in persecution, it turned a people to the Bible, and finally gave many of its best sons and daughters to the ends of the earth. For fidelity, joyful perseverance in hardship, and improbable advance, the record remains a witness to the faith that overcomes the world.

The compelling interest of this account lies in the way it draws on contemporary records-many of these Christian leaders being authors as well as men of action. Iain Murray’s narrative explores this rich heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish church history, this is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. Explaining this panoramic tapestry are the words of Knox’s own commentary, ‘God gave his Holy Spirit to simple men in great abundance’.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword ix
Part One: Biography
1 John Knox and ‘the Battle’ 3
2 Robert Bruce: Standing Fast in Dark Days 37
3 Thomas Chalmers and the Revival of the Church 73
4 John Macdonald and the Awakening in the North 123
5 Horatius Bonar and the Love of God in Evangelism 157
Part two: missionary
6 The Missionary Spirit and the New Hebrides 215
7 Robert Moffat ‘Africanus’ 241
8 The Churches and Christian Unity in Scottish Church History 277
9 Scottish Preaching 311
10 The Problem of the ‘Elders’ 339
Part three: church issues
11 The Tragedy of the Free Church of Scotland 367
Index of Persons and Authors 397


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Wesley and Men Who Followed Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Concerned with the spiritual explanation of the movement, which far from dwindling at Wesley’s death, increased in momentum, breadth and transforming power. A thrilling study of great relevance for the contemporary church, pointing to the key to the recovery of authentic Christianity. 288pp.

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‘Thrilling history and biography, the bringing to light of forgotten men of extraordinary faith and energy for Christ; shrewd analysis; challenge to the contemporary church. Wesley and Men Who Followed has it all. I enjoyed it greatly – a breath of spiritually fresh air and vitality comes through wonderfully. I found it uplifting, challenging and gratitude-creating – and a great read.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

Book Description

John Wesley — Oxford don and itinerant preacher, intellectual and evangelist, author and man of action, upholder of the Church of England yet founder of another world-wide denomination, disagreeing with George Whitefield, yet preaching his funeral sermon-truly a many-sided man. It is not wonder that he has had many biographers. Most books on Wesley have concentrated on his leading role in the Evangelical Revival. Wesley and Men Who Followed is more concerned with the spiritual explanation of a movement which, far from dwindling at his death, increased in momentum, breadth and transforming power. Drawing from original and often little-known Methodist sources, Iain Murray’s thrilling study leads to conclusions that are of great relevance for the contemporary church.

‘Was John Wesley deceived? Have our hymn-writers been deceived in their immortal songs? Was Saul of Tarsus deceived? Have we all been deceived?’ So wrote one unhappy modern Methodist. The evidence Iain Murray provides demonstrates that this was not the case. The result is that Wesley and Men Who Followed points to the key to the recovery of authentic Christianity today.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Principal Abbreviations xv
Part One
From Oxford Don to Open-Air Preacher 3
‘Kingdoms on a Blaze’ 25
Understanding Wesley’s Thought 42
The Collision with Calvinism 56
The Leader 80
Part Two
Men Who Followed
William Bramwell: Friendship with God 107
Gideon Ouseley: Methodism in Ireland 137
Thomas Collins: the Spirit of English Methodism 178
Part Three
Against Unquestioning Following
Justification 217
Christian Perfection 232
Part Four
Methodism, with and without the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit and Scripture 249
Author Index 265
General Index 267


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