Hodge, Charles Archives - Banner of Truth UK https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/theauthor/hodge-charles/ Christian Publisher of Reformed & Puritan Books Tue, 18 Jun 2024 15:57:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://banneroftruth.org/uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/02/cropped-cropped-Banner-FilledIn-WithOval-1-32x32.jpg Hodge, Charles Archives - Banner of Truth UK https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/theauthor/hodge-charles/ 32 32 The Way of Life https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/christian-living/the-way-of-life/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/christian-living/the-way-of-life/#comments Mon, 10 Feb 2020 19:52:58 +0000 https:///uk/store/uncategorized/the-way-of-life/ Book Description ‘It is one of the clearest principles of Divine revelation, that holiness is the fruit of truth; and it is one of the plainest inferences from that principle, that the exhibition of the truth is the best means of promoting holiness. Christians regard the word of God as the only infallible teacher of […]

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Book Description

‘It is one of the clearest principles of Divine revelation, that holiness is the fruit of truth; and it is one of the plainest inferences from that principle, that the exhibition of the truth is the best means of promoting holiness. Christians regard the word of God as the only infallible teacher of those truths which relate to the salvation of men. But are the Scriptures really a revelation from God? If they are, what doctrines do they teach? And what influence should those doctrines exert on our heart and life?

The publishing committee of the American Sunday School Union have long felt the want of a book which should give a plain answer to these questions, and be suitable to place in the hands of intelligent and educated young persons, either to arouse their attention, or to guide their steps in the way of life.

If this little book should be instrumental, by the simple exhibition of the truth, in pointing out the way of life to those who are anxious to know what they must believe and what they must experience in order to be saved, it will answer the design of its preparation and publication.’

From the Preface

Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I set before you the way of life. — Jeremiah 21:8

Table of Contents Expand ↓

CHAPTER I — The Scriptures Are the Word of God
I. The internal evidence of the Divine origin of the Scriptures 1
II. The internal evidence of their Divine origin is the proper ground of faith in the Scriptures 12
III. External evidence of the Divine origin of the Scriptures. The testimony of the church 19
IV. The argument from prophecy 24
I. All men are sinners. The nature of man, since the fall, is depraved 37
II. The sins of men are numerous and aggravated 44
CHAPTER III — Causes of Indifference to the Charge of Sin
I. Sin, want of consideration, striving against the Spirit 59
II. Sophistical objections against the doctrine of the Bible 63
CHAPTER IV — Conviction of Sin
I. Knowledge of Sin. Sense of personal ill desert 81
II. Insufficiency of our own righteousness and of our own strength 95
CHAPTER V — Justification
I. Importance of the Doctrine. Explanation of the Scriptural terms relating to it. Justification is not by works. 105
II. The demands of the law are satisfied by what Christ has done 118
III. The righteousness of Christ the true ground of our justification. The practical effects of this doctrine 137
I. Faith is the condition of salvation. The nature of saving faith 149
II. Faith as connected with justification 162
CHAPTER VII — Repentance 173
CHAPTER VIII — Profession of Religion
I. The nature and necessity of a public profession of religion 195
II. Baptism and the Lord’s supper. The nature, design, and efficacy of these ordinances 204
III. Obligation to attend upon the sacraments. Qualifications for the proper discharge of the duty 221
CHAPTER IX — Holy Living
I. The nature of true religion 235
II. The means of sanctification 256

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Exegetical Lectures and Sermons on Hebrews https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/sermons-and-expositions/exegetical-lectures-and-sermons-on-hebrews/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/sermons-and-expositions/exegetical-lectures-and-sermons-on-hebrews/#respond Fri, 30 Aug 2019 16:40:12 +0000 https:///uk/store/uncategorized/hebrews-charles-hodge/ Endorsements ‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought. . . The more we use Hodge the more we value him.’ — C. H. SPURGEON ‘One always turns to Hodge’s commentaries with great confidence, for in him there is that perfect blending of […]

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‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought. . . The more we use Hodge the more we value him.’ — C. H. SPURGEON

‘One always turns to Hodge’s commentaries with great confidence, for in him there is that perfect blending of theology, scholarship and a devotional spirit which are the prime requisites of a commentary.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES

Book Description

This book has two parts, both of which contain material not previously published.

The first part contains Charles Hodge’s exegetical and expository notes on the letter to the Hebrews. These date from 1821, the year of his ordination, and 1842, when he delivered a series of lectures on Hebrews at Princeton Theological Seminary. Like his other published commentaries, this is an exegetical exposition, following Calvin’s pattern of brevity and simplicity. Hodge skilfully engages the Greek text in a way that enhances the reader’s understanding of the details and flow of the whole. Those familiar with Hodge’s commentaries on other New Testament epistles will immediately recognize his style and method. Broad themes and fine points merge together in a coherent whole, as the commentator allows the text of Scripture to speak for itself.

Also among the archival collection of Charles Hodge’s manuscripts at Princeton are a series of sermon outlines, and some full manuscript sermons, on passages from the letter to the Hebrews, most of which were never published. In 1879 A. A. Hodge included four of these as part of a wider collection of sermon outlines which were published following his father’s death as Princeton Sermons. These four sermons, along with all of Hodge’s other manuscript sermons on Hebrews are brought together for the first time in this volume.

The sermons on Hebrews in Part Two supplement the commentary in Part One, providing the reader with a more expansive exposition and application of numerous key sections of Hebrews. A few are more text-topical in their orientation, revealing Hodge’s masterful ability to communicate the rich themes of biblical and systematic theology with earnest clarity and simplicity. Others are more exegetical and expository, with application aimed at growth in Christian living. Together they display Hodge’s ‘adoring love for Christ,’ and even more, Christ’s love for his church.


Interview with the editor

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction vii
Exegetical Lectures 1
Sermons and Outlines 157

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Commentario II Corintios https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/ii-corintios/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/ii-corintios/#respond Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:38:57 +0000 Book Description No cabe duda que en los últimos años los avances en los estudios bíblicos han producido una explosión de comentarios bíblicos de alto nivel y de excelente calidad. Sin embargo, hay clásicos que se levantan erguidos sin que el tiempo los dañe. Este es precisamente el caso de los comentarios de Charles Hodge. […]

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Book Description

No cabe duda que en los últimos años los avances en los estudios bíblicos han producido una explosión de comentarios bíblicos de alto nivel y de excelente calidad. Sin embargo, hay clásicos que se levantan erguidos sin que el tiempo los dañe. Este es precisamente el caso de los comentarios de Charles Hodge. De ellos B. B. Warfield escibió: La percepción que el Dr. Hodge tenía del significado general de un pasaje era insuperable. Poseía todo el discernimiento de Calvino sobre la fluidez y conexión del pensamiento. . .Parecía como si analizara un pasaje, captara su sentido general y todas sus coordenadas teológicas, y presentara el resultado con frases dignas de un Bacon.

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1& 2 Corinthians https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/12-corinthians/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/12-corinthians/#comments Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Singluarly clear, without the technicalities of critical opinion, sets out what the words mean and the effect which their truth should have upon the conscience and life. 720pp.

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‘The more we use Hodge, the more we value him. This applies to all his commentaries.’ — C.H. SPURGEON

Book Description

Hodge’s work on 1 and 2 Corinthians forms one of the most significant parts of the plan for a series of ‘popular commentaries’ on the New Testament which he projected with J. A. Alexander in the 1850s. When the early death of Alexander prevented the completion of the series, the individual volumes were quickly prized in their own right and went through many editions on both sides of the Atlantic.

The qualities which have given Hodge’s commentaries such a wide and enduring market are readily to be seen. In the first place they are singularly clear. The technicalities of critical opinion, which soon cause a volume to become dated, are not to be found in his pages. His aim was to produce commentaries which learned and unlearned alike could consult with profit. Believing that he was dealing with the words of the Holy Spirit he endeavoured to set out both what those words contain and the effects which their truth should have upon the conscience and life.

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Ephesians https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/ephesians-9/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/ephesians-9/#respond Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Hodge constantly communicates the sense and overall argument of the passage. 320pp.

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‘Most valuable. With no writer do we more fully agree.’ — C.H. SPURGEON

Book Description

When Paul came to Ephesus in AD 54 it claimed to be the first city of Asia. Yet today the city is gone; and on the site of the Temple of Diana, which was the rallying-point of heathenism, is a stagnant pond. Ephesus is now known principally for its connection with the Christian Church- for Paul’s visit and his subsequent letter.

The epistle to the Ephesians is in many respects the profoundest of Paul’s writings. The grandeur of pagan learning and devotion pales by comparison with the Apostle’s mighty exposition of the truth as it is in Jesus. The great theme of Ephesians is the one church, the new spiritual temple God is erecting of Jew and Gentile. Because of its profundity and scope, it is one of the most demanding of books upon which adequately to comment.

Charles Hodge, whose commentaries on 1 and 2 Corinthians were among the earlier volumes in the Geneva Series, is qualified on several grounds to write on Ephesians. Though a competent linguist, his main interest was not in the field of textual criticism. Hodge, first and foremost, was a theologian, and without a mastery of systematic theology one cannot do justice to the early chapters of Ephesians. Reference may also be made to his noted piety and graciousness, his catholic spirit and his wide vision.

The great virtue of Hodge on Ephesians is his ability constantly to communicate the sense and overall argument of a passage. A peerless teacher, his aim, with the pen as in the classroom, was ‘the simple exhibition of the truth which God had revealed’- his own description of Paul’s preaching.

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Romans https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/romans/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/commentaries/romans/#comments Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 One of the few truly great works on this Epistle, first published in its final version in 1864 by the great Princeton scholar. 464pp.

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‘Hodge’s method and matter make him doubly useful in commenting. He is singularly clear, and a great promoter of thought.’ — C.H. SPURGEON

Book Description

Charles Hodge, who for fifty-six years from 1822 to 1878 — lectured on the Pauline Epistles at Princeton Theological Seminary, issued the final version of his Commentary on Romans in 1864. It was at once recognized as belonging to the number of the few truly great works on this Epistle and that verdict has been upheld by Christian leaders down to the present day.

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Princeton Sermons https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/sermons-and-expositions/princeton-sermons/ https://banneroftruth.org/uk/store/sermons-and-expositions/princeton-sermons/#respond Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:37:00 +0000 Hodge (1797-1878) was for over 50 years a professor at Princeton. This book contains the outlines of addresses given by him to students on Sunday afternoons, when they gathered in the Oratory. 400pp.

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EndorsementsRead More ↓

‘The Princeton Sermons of Charles Hodge, one of the greatest Christian teachers of the 19th century, are only outlines; but what outlines! They form almost a complete systematic theology, and are extraordinarily suggestive and satisfying. Preachers who would teach, and Christians who would learn, will enjoy this book, though it will not yield much to lazy minds.’ — J. I. PACKER

‘This is not a book to be read through at a sitting or digested in a hurry. It is rather a book of reference to be resorted to for help in choosing, grasping and treating themes for preaching and teaching. It has very much to offer those who will thus use it.’ — A. M. STIBBS (in English Churchman)

‘These pages are filled with nearly 250 excellent sermon outlines. These are full enough to give one the feel of the original discourses. Reading and thinking over one per day would be a rewarding exercise . . . For the Christian who wishes to be informed widely on the truths of his religion, this book could be a home-study course taught by a “master in Israel.”‘ — FREE PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE

‘A veritable gold mine of truth, offering Hodge’s mature thought on the great themes of the Bible as they relate to the practical concerns of the Christian and of the pastor . . . Here you will find not only the thoughts of a great Christian, but will also recognize his personal devotion to the Saviour and to His infallible and inerrant Word.’ — THE PRESBYTERIAN JOURNAL

‘These immensely full “outlines” are . . . characterized by a remarkable power of perception and by facility and aptitude of expression. They reflect the sound scholarship and the wide and exact classical and contemporary knowledge of the preacher.’ — QUEENSLAND BAPTIST

Book Description

Charles Hodge (1797-1878)was for over fifty years a Professor at Princeton Seminary during years when it was at the height of its spiritual greatness. This book contains the outlines of addresses given by him to the students on Sabbath afternoons, when they gathered in the Oratory ‘for prayer and conference on themes relating to the life of God in the soul, and to the practical duties having their root therein.’

‘These offer Hodge’s mature thought on a great many subjects,’ wrote Professor John Murray, ‘and they breathe the warmth of devotional fervour. Here is a fund of succinct definition on the great themes of theology as they are related to the most practical concerns of the Christian and of the pastor . . . When these outlines are studiously and meditatively used they will prove for the reader to be the means of cultivating that intelligent piety of which the Seminary at Princeton was the nursery. . . The masterful survey provided by this volume is calculated to rehabilitate in the thinking and practice of the present day those very patterns which are largely lost and which are our clamant need. May it be that by God’s grace this may be the fruit.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1. Omnipresence of God 1
2. In Him we Live, and Move, and have our Being. Acts 17:28 3
 3. The Sovereignty of God 4
 4. The Lord Reigneth. Ps. 93: 1 6
 5. Dependence on God 7
 6. Thy Word is Truth 8
 7. God is Light 10
 8. God is Love. John 4:8 and 14 12
 9. The Love of God to us 13
 10. The Tender Mercies of God. Ps. 140:9 14
 11. God so Loved the World. John 3:16 16
 12. Who will have all Men to be Saved and to come unto the Knowledge of the Truth 18
 13. The Promises of God 20
 14. The Wrath of God against Sinners 21
 15. Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. Amos 4:12 23
 16. The Advent 25
 17. The Advent 26
18. Immanuel 27
 19. For in Him dwelleth all the Fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col. 2:9 29
 20. The Unsearchable Riches of Christ. Eph. 3:8 31
 21. The Love of Christ 32
 22. The Death of Christ 34
 23. The Death of Christ 34
 24. For Where a Testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator. Heb. 9:16 36
 25. Who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. 1 Thess. 5:10 37
 26. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up 39
 27. Christ, the Lamb of God 41
 28. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:1 43
 29. Christ our Priest 44
 30. Christ our Passover 46
 31. Christ the end of the Law for Righteousness. Rom. 10:4 47
 32. The Intercession of Christ 48
 33. And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, etc. 1 John 2:1 50
 34. The Presence of Christ with His Church 51
 35. How is it that Thou wilt manifest Thyself unto us and not unto the world? John 14:22 63
36. Christ our Life 54
 37. I am the Bread of Life. John 6:48 55
 38. Christ our Example 57
 39. Christ our Physician 58
 40. Christ the Bridegroom 59
 41. The Transfiguration 59
 42. The Memory of Christ, and the Reason It should be Cherished 61
 43. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Rev 22:21 63
 44. Jesus crowned with glory and honor. Heb. 2:9 64
45. The Coming of Christ 66
 46. The Promise of the Spirit. Gal. 3:14 68
 47. Dependence on the Holy Ghost 69
 48.. Dependence of the Believer and the Church on the Holy Ghost. Ps. 51:11 72
 49. He will Reprove the World of Sin, because they believe not on me. John 16:8, 9 73
 50. The Necessity of the Spirit’s Teaching in order to the Right Understanding of the Scriptures 75
 51. The Indwelling or the Spirit 77
 52. The Spirit giveth Life. 2 Cor. 3:6 78
 53. The Spirit’s Intercession. Rom. 8:26 80
 54. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. Rom. 8:14 81
 55. The Spirit Itself Beareth Witness with our Spirit, that we are the Children of God. Rom. 8:16 83
 56. Who hath also sealed us, and given the Ernest of the Spirit in our Hearts, 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:1, 4:30; 2 Tim. 2:19 84
 57. The Holy Ghost as the Paraclete, John 14:16
 58. Grieve not the Spirit 88
 59. Satanic Influence 90
 60. Temptation 91
 61. Indwelling Sin 93
 62. Indwelling Sin 94
 63. The Deceitfulness of Sin 96
 64. The Sin of Unbelief 97
 65. Doubting in Believers 98
 66. Hardness of Heart. Ps. 31:12. Rom. 2:5 100
 67. Pride 101
 68. Spiritual Pride 103
 69. Ambition 105
 70. The Sacrifice of the Wicked is Abomination. Prov. 21:27 106
 71. Every Idle Word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment. Matt. 12:30 108
 72. Cleanse Thou me from Secret Fault Ps. 10:12 110
 73. Backsliding 112
 74. The Unpardonable Sin 113
 75. Salvation by Grace 116
 76. The Value of the Soul 117
 77. The Conversion of Paul 119
78. Conviction of Sin 120
 79. Conviction of Sin 122
 80. Repentance 123
 81. Except ye be Converted, and become as Little Children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt. 18:3 124
 82. The Sorrow of the World, and the Sorrow after a Godly Sort. 2 Cor. 7:10, 11 125
 83. Strive to Enter in at the Strait Gate 126
 84. Coming to Christ 128
 85. Come unto me all ye that Labor and are Heavy Laden, and I will give you Rest:-Matt. 11:28 129
 86. My Son give me thy heart. Prov. 23:20 131
 87. Submission to God 132
 88. Work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling. Phil. 2:12 133
89. Work out your own Salvation, &c. Phil. 2:12 135
 90. Regeneration 136
 91. Evidences of Regeneration 137
 92. Confession of Christ 139
 93. Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do? 149
 94. If any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature, 2 Cor. 6:17 142
 95. The Christian Race 144
96. Justification by Faith 145
 97. Sanctified by Faith that is in me. Acts 26:18 147
 98. They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the Affections and Lusts, Gal. 5:24 149
 99. Mortify the Deeds of the Body 150
 100. Living by Faith 152
 101. Walking with God 154
 102. Dying unto Sin, and living unto Righteousness 155
 103. Living Hope through the Resurrection of Christ 156
 104. Now abideth Faith, Hope, Charity; but the greatest of these is Charity. 1 Cor. 13:12 157
 105. Unbelief (or Doubts) in Believers. Matt. 6:30; Mark 6:6 139
 106. Contentment. 1 Tim. 6:6 161
 107. Submission 162
 108. Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus 164
 109. Growth in Grace 166
 110. Growing in Grace 167
 111. Blessed are the poor in Spirit 168
 112. Conscience 170
 113. Conscientiousness 171
 114. Diseased Conscience 172
 115. Spiritual-mindedness 173
 116. To be Carnally-minded is death, but to be Spiritually-minded is life and Peace 174
 117. Spiritual Discernment. 1 Cor. 2:15 176
 118. Spiritual Consolation 177
 119. The Spirit of Adoption. Rom. 8:15 179
 120. As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. Rom. 8:14 180
 121. The Liberty wherewith Christ has made us free 181
 122. He that is called in the Lord, being a Servant, is the Lord’s Freeman. 1 Cor. 7:22 182
 123. Ye Believe in God, Believe also in me 184
 124. Ye are Bought with a Price. 1 Cor. 7:23 185
 125. Who are Kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation, ready to be revealed in the Last Time. 1 Pet. 1:5 187
 126. Security of Believers 188
 127. Ye are Complete in Him. Col. 2:10 190
 128. The Priesthood of Believers 192
 129. The Priesthood of Believers 193
 130. Who is he that overcometh the World, but he that Believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5 195
 131. Ye are Christ’s. 1 Cor. 3:23 197
 132. The Lord is my Strength 199
 133. Good Hope through Grace 200
 134. Assurance 201
 135. Hope maketh not ashamed, because the Love of God is shed abroad in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Rom. 5:5 203
 136. Faith as the Source of Love and Joy. 1 Pet. 1:8 204
 137. The Love of God 205
 138. Whom having not seen ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. 1 Pet. 1:8 207
 139. Religious Joy and Despondency 208
 140. Singleness of Heart. Acts 2:46 210
 141. The Beauty of Holiness 211
 142. The Nature and Evidences of Union with Christ 213
 143. The Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. Phil. 3:8 214
 144. Ye are not your own: for ye are bought with a Price. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20 215
 145. Do all to the Glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31 216
 146. Glorying in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Gal. 6:14 218
 147. The Love of Christ constraineth us. 2 Cor. 6:14 219
148. And this is the victory that overcometh the World, even our Faith. 1 John 5:4 221
 149. It pleased God to reveal his Son in me. Gal. 1:16 223
 150. Humility 224
 151. Humility. 1 Pet. 5:5 226
 152. For we are the Circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the Flesh. Phil 3:3 227
 153. Hope, the Helmet of Salvation. 1 Thess. 5:3 229
 154. Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph 6:24. If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha. 1 Cor. 16:22 230
 155. That Christ may dwell in our hearts by Faith. Eph. 3:17 232
 156. The Communion of Saints 233
 157. Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father Is this: To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the World Jas 1:27 236
 158. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the Doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.  John 7:17, and John 8: 47 238
 159. Be not conformed to this World. Rom. 12:2 240
 160. And he taketh not his Cross, and followeth not after me, is not worthy of me. Matt. 10:38 242
 161. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Phil. 2:15 244
 162. Living for Christ. Col. 3:24; 2 Cor. 5:15 245
 163. Having therefore these Promises, dearly Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit, &c. 2 Cor. 7:1 246
 164. And have no Fellowship with the unfruitful Works of Darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph. 5:11 247
 165. Delighting in the Law of God. 249
 166. Fidelity in the Service of God 250
 167. Therefore, my Beloved Brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding In the Work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:58 252
 168. Walking with God 253
 169. Walk in Wisdom towards them that are without, Redeeming the Time. Col. 4:5 255
 170. Earnestness in the Service of God 256
 171. Self-Knowledge 257
 172. Self-examination, (No.1) 259
 173. Self-examination, (No.2.) 260
 174. Gravity 261
 175. Fasting 262
 176. Responsibility arising from the Possession of special Privileges 263
 177. Take heed What ye hear. Mark 4:24. Take heed How ye Hear. Luke 8:18 264
 178. Brotherly Love 266
 179. It Is good neither to eat Flesh, nor to drink Wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Rom. 14:21. 268
 180. Christian Forbearance 270
181. Judge not that ye be not judged. Matt 7:1 272
 182. Christian Rebuke 273
 183. Forgiveness of Offences 275
 184. Let not then your Good be evil spoken of. Rom. 14:16 277
 185. Waiting on God 278
 186. Fight the Good Fight of Faith. 1 Tim. 6:12 279
 187. Rejoice In the Lord 280
 188. Zeal 283
 190. The Means of Grace 285
 191. The Word or God as a Means of Grace 286
 192. Search the Scriptures 288
 193. Mighty in the Scriptures. Acts. 18:24 289
 194. Prayer as a Means of Grace 291
 195. Prayer 292
 196. The Prayer of Faith 294
 197. Intercessory Prayer 296
 198. Prayer for Colleges 297
 199. Meditation as a Means of Grace 298
 200. Meditation 299
 201. The Sabbath 301
 202. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27 303
 203. Praise 304
 204. The Unity of the Church 306
 205. Aggressive Character of Christianity 307
 206. Call to the Ministry 310
 207. Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel. 1 Cor. 9:16 311
 208. Proper views and motives In seeking the Gospel Ministry 313
 209. A savor life unto life and of death unto death. 2 Cor. 2:14-16 314
 210. Ministerial responsibility 315
 211. Preaching Christ 316
 212. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. Matt. 10:20 317
 213. Ministers Soldiers of Christ. 2 Tim. 2:4 319
 214. Be thou faithful unto Death and I will give you a Crown of Life. Rev. 2:10 320
 215. Thy Kingdom Come 322
 216. Domestic Missions 324
 217. The knowledge of the Gospel necessary to the Salvation of the Heathen. 325
 218. Call to the Work of Foreign Missions 327
 219. The Harvest truly is plenteous, but the Laborers are few. Matt. 9:37 328
 220. Preparation for the Lord’s Supper 330
 221. The Lord’s Supper as a Means of Grace. (No.1) 331
 222. The Lord’s Supper as a Means of Grace. (No.2) 332
 223. Christian Fellowship as expressed in the Lord’s Supper 334
 224. The Lord’s Supper in relation to Christ’s Death 335
 225. Retrospect of the Lord’s Supper 337
 226. Revivals of Religion 338
 227. Evidences of a Work of Grace, John 3:3 340
 228. Method of dealing with Inquirers 342
 230. Time 344
 231. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Ps. 90:12 (No.1) 345
 232. So teach us to number our days that we may, &c. Ps. 90:12. (No.2) 346
 233. Death 348
 234. Triumph over Death. 1 Cor. 15:54, 55 349
 235. Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. Heb. 4:1 350
 236. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God 351
 237. But we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2 352
 238. For we know that if our Earthy House of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. 2 Cor. 5:1 354
 239. O Death where is thy sting? O Grave where is thy Victory? 1 Cor. 15:55. 356
 240. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Cor. 2:9 358
 242. The Lord reigneth, let the Earth rejoice 366
 243. All I am allowed of God to be put in trust with the Gospel. 1 Thess. 2:4. 362
 244. Let every one please his neighbor for good to edification. Rom. 15:2 363
 245. Above all these things put on Charity, which is the bond of perfectness. Col. 3:14 364
 246. Christian stability 365
 247. But grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Pet. 3:18 366
 248. Cast not away, therefore, your Confidence, which hath great recompense of Reward. Heb. 10:35 367
 249. Occupy till I come 368
 250. My Lord and my God. John 20:28 370
 251. Fight the good fight of Faith. 1 Tim. 6:12 371
The very Last. The Administration of the Lord’s Supper to the Graduating Class, April 21st, 1878 372


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