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A Minister’s Evils



Four evils attend my ministry —
      The devil treads me down by
  discouragement and shame
    arising from coldness in private meditation.
Carelessness possesses me
  from natural dullness and dimness of spirit;
    because in the past I have met with success
      and been highly regarded,
    so that it does not matter if I have now failed.
Infirmities and weakness are mine
  from want of spiritual light, life and power,
    so that souls have not been helped,
      and I have not felt thee to be near.
Lack of success has followed even when
  I have done my best.
But thou hast shown me that the glory of everything
  that is sanctified to do good
    is not seen in itself,
    but in the source of its sanctification.
Thus my end in preaching is to know Christ,
    and impart his truth;
  my principle in preaching is Christ himself,
    whom I trust,
  for in him is fullness of spirit and strength;
  my comfort in preaching is to do all for him.
Help me in my work to grow more humble,
  to pick something out of all providences
    to that end,
  to joy in thee and loathe myself,
  to keep my life, being, soul, and body
    only for thee,
  to carry my heart to thee in love and delight,
  to see all my grace in thee, coming from thee,
  to walk with thee in endearment.
Then, whether I succeed or fail,
    nought matters but thee alone.

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