Tag Archives: Martyrdom
ALLEN GARDINER COMMEMORATED They were the first Protestant missionaries to attempt to make Christ known to the indigenous people of South America. In Faith Cook’s “Singing in the Fire” (Banner of Truth) the heroic story of Captain Allen Gardiner is recorded, as one of fourteen biographical sketches. It is the most accessible record of that […]
ReadThomas Bilney, ‘whose conversion had begun the Reformation in England’ was, in God’s hands, the instrument of Hugh Latimer’s conversion. The story of his life ‘in strength and weakness’, leading to his martyrdom in 1531, is eloquently recorded in The Reformation of England, volumes 1 and 2 by J. H. Merle d’Aubigné (Banner of Truth). […]
ReadThis year is the centenary of the martyrdom of James Chalmers. Little has been written about him since Lovett wrote his biography the year after his murder in Papua, New Guinea, though there is a useful summary of his life written by J. W. Meiklejohn in the Dictionary of the Christian Church. James Chalmers was […]