Resources by Thackway, John P
To talk about revival is to talk superlatives, for revival is Christianity taken to a heightened intensity. God never does more for his church than when he revitalises her with the breath of heaven. In the midst of the years he ‘makes known’ (Habakkuk 3:2). We then experience more of his grace and power than […]
ReadThe Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann, and its significance for today. This book has featured in the evangelical world for a while now. Hardly a Christian magazine, newspaper, organisation, online discussion forum, preacher or individual Christian has not had something to say about it – for, against, or on the […]
ReadThe Lost Message of Jesus by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann, and its significance for today. This book has featured in the evangelical world for a while now. Hardly a Christian magazine, newspaper organisation, online discussion forum, preacher or individual Christian has not had something to say about it – for, against, or on the […]