Scripture Reference: Galatians

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price £18.00


BOOK DESCRIPTION It is not surprising that Galatians, the most controversial and explosive of Paul’s letters, was Luther’s favourite book of the Bible – ‘my own epistle to which I have plighted my troth.’ But it was Ephesians to which John Calvin reputedly turned for his choice as the book which meant most to him. […]

Let's Study Galatians
price £7.25


The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.

price £18.00


Calvin deals with the great evangelical themes found in Galatians in these sermons from 1557-8. Translated by Kathy Childress. 688pp.

New Testament Commentaries

New Testament Commentaries

Volume 1: Romans to Ephesians

by Geoffrey B. Wilson

price £9.50
Avg. Rating


Geoffrey Wilson’s popular ‘Reformed Digests’ on the New Testament Letters are here brought together in two attractive volumes. 688 & 608pp.

price £14.00


This commentary is a masterpiece of exposition and heart-warming reading. Intellectually it is of the highest standard, but it is also of the deepest experimental warmth’—Gospel Magazine. 488pp.

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